Love your Neighbor – Share what you care most about

We are excited to hear from some of you how you saw a start in God healing people through hospitality!

Love your neighbor share what you care most aboutThis weeks vide blog is about sharing the One we care most about! Be inspired!!

Hey our friend

Its amazing, we have a real summer with lots of heat. Ok San Francisco weather didn’t change, but we are on a sharing trip in Pennsylvania!! We are hosting different events and share at different churches during our time there about how they can love their neighbor and inspire others to do it too. Pray with us that many people are encouraged and inspired!

We will return to San Francisco August 1st.

Don’t forget this week to share the One you care most about with a neighbor!!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

Love your Neighbor – Hospitality is key last Part

How did the dinner go? Were you encouraged through this time and did you feel closer to your neighbors after?

Love your neighbor –Hospitality is the key part 4We talked about many things hospitality can do and one last one is it can bring healing. Over the years we had so many deep conversations over dinner that brought healing to people. Sometimes it is the simple act of actually sitting around a table together with other people that brought healing from loneliness and isolation that that person experienced for years. It amazes me how much a little meal can change a person’s life. When you invite someone into your life and you create a safe place for them, they will be open and God can start to bring healing from hurt and lies the enemy placed into their lives. John 21:15-19 shares the story of Jesus and Peter after Peter denied him 3 times. It was right after a meal that Jesus asked him if he loves him. That conversation brought up hurt and shame in Peter because of breaking his promise to Jesus that he would never deny him. But Jesus rebuilds the trust with a few simple questions over a meal. So that time that just started as a meal set up Peter to become the man Jesus would build his church on. So a simple conversation can destroy lies and bring healing.

We want to challenge you to pray that God will use your dinner table to bring healing!

This was the last blog in our Hospitality series even there are many more aspects to look at, but the once we looked at will hopefully help you to move forward!

Hey our friend

I don’t know if you do that sometimes, but look back at your week and look at the things you did and see how god used you. We were amazed in the last week how God was using the giftings he has given us to bless people. We were able to help with financial teachings, with art and with encouragement in different situations. We want to encourage you this week to look at the things you did and see how God used your gifting’s in those!!

Keep doing hospitality and be a blessing to your neighbors and yourself!!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

Love your Neighbor – Hospitality is key Part 3

What did God speak to you through last weeks questions? Were you able to create a safe place?

Love your neighbor –Hospitality is the key part 3One of the things many people are longing for is a place of belonging, a family. When you provide hospitality in your home you invite your neighbors into family. I remember a thanksgiving meal at our house where we went around the table and had everyone share what they were thankful for and the answer was pretty much the same for everyone that came; the feeling of family around this table. When you open up your home and invite neighbors in it is different than if you go out to a restaurant, You invite people into your home and your family.  So hosting a dinner can change the perspective someone has about family. Some people might have never had a loving family, but now experience being loved. Some people might have never received an invitation to a home, but now they are sitting at the table eating dinner together. In Psalms it talks about that God will put the lonely into families and we can all have a part in that by offering hospitality. But its not just a great thing for the neighbor that joins you, its also a blessing for you. Our lives are so enriched by neighbors being family to us too. Home doesn’t end at our fence anymore but it spills over into many other houses around us!

Invite this week a neighbor over for dinner and with that invite them into your life!!

Hey our friend

4th of July week already went by quickly. We had a wonderful time at the barbecue with lots of grilled goodness. It might not be the healthiest for your body, but let me tell it for sure is for your joy!! We are so glad God made us in a way that we have to eat food daily!! During the last week we also had a big worship event in the city where many people prayed and worshipped together. It was a wonderful time!

Remember this week to invite a neighbor over for dinner!!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

Love your Neighbor – Hospitality is key Part 2

How did you remind yourself last week of the goodness of God? It so important like I said in the video last week. Make this a daily theme in your life to remind yourself of Gods goodness!!

Love your neighbor –Hospitality is the key part 2This week we want to write about how hospitality can create a safe place for people to be open. Many times in our today’s society we talk bad about other people if they are not around. Proverbs 11.13 says that a gossip betrays a confidence but a trustworthy person keeps a secret. When you host dinners or brunches or other events at your home, make sure to stir the conversation away from the gossip of others. It might be hard first and feel awkward, but it then creates a safe place. People see your heart and see that you don’t talk bad about others so if they want to share something with you, they can because you won’t slander them either. So you created a safe place for everyone to be open and real. And that is true for yourself as well. You now have the opportunity to share as well because you also feel safe.

Remember the story of Zacchaeus we talked about 2 weeks ago?  Jesus came to his house and he made dinner. But the crowds outside started to gossip about Jesus why he would spend time with someone like Zacchaeus. But Jesus went to spend dinner with him anyway. Because Jesus did that and didn’t let his heart be stirred by the gossip, Zacchaeus totally changed his heart and through that probably the lives of many people he returned money too. Imagine someone ripped you off and comes back to you asks for forgiveness and gives you back more than he took, that might make you wonder about the heart change of that person.  So safe places can really change the lives of not just you but many people in your surroundings!

  1. Start this week to check yourself and see if you gossip about others and if you do ask God for forgiveness and change.
  2. Stir conversations away from Gossip. Instead of going along with gossip say something positive about the person that’s talked about.

Hey our friend

How was your week? 4th of July is soon on us and with that another neighbor barbecue in our apartment. We are so excited!! Last week was a good week too. We had meeting with a good friend about some details for the website. Its such a blessing to have friends that are specialists in their fields.  We also had a wonderful neighbor brunch. As always it was a great time to connect! Being friends with the people right around you is such a blessing and it gives all of us community we long for!!

Remember this week the 2 questions that we posted!!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

Love your Neighbor – Hospitality can help to choose the truths!

love your neighbor Hospitality can help to choose the truthsLast week we talked about hospitality and challenged you to invite a neighbor over for dinner. How did it go?

This weeks blog is an important one on loving your neighbor and hospitality. Its about a belief that you have and how it can affect the way you show the love of God to your neighbors. Enjoy the video!

Hey our friend

20170622_205036How was your week? Hopefully filled with sun and wonderful times with Father God!! This week we celebrated the graduation of our winter DTS. It was so wonderful to hear their stories how they changed lives on their outreach to refugee camps in Greece and homes for refugees in Italy. Its amazing how you can show the love of God just by showing up. We were also blessed by all the work they did in North Beach during the first 3 month of the school. They were truly a blessing. Please pray for them as they move into their next steps God is calling them to.

We also had great week here in north beach. The book writing is moving forward which is awesome. Its not as fast as on the book writing trip, but words start to fill up more pages which is great!!

Don’t forget this week to remember the goodness of God.

Have a blessed week. We love you!

Markus and Jen