Love your Neighbor – Hospitality is key Part 2

How did you remind yourself last week of the goodness of God? It so important like I said in the video last week. Make this a daily theme in your life to remind yourself of Gods goodness!!

Love your neighbor –Hospitality is the key part 2This week we want to write about how hospitality can create a safe place for people to be open. Many times in our today’s society we talk bad about other people if they are not around. Proverbs 11.13 says that a gossip betrays a confidence but a trustworthy person keeps a secret. When you host dinners or brunches or other events at your home, make sure to stir the conversation away from the gossip of others. It might be hard first and feel awkward, but it then creates a safe place. People see your heart and see that you don’t talk bad about others so if they want to share something with you, they can because you won’t slander them either. So you created a safe place for everyone to be open and real. And that is true for yourself as well. You now have the opportunity to share as well because you also feel safe.

Remember the story of Zacchaeus we talked about 2 weeks ago?  Jesus came to his house and he made dinner. But the crowds outside started to gossip about Jesus why he would spend time with someone like Zacchaeus. But Jesus went to spend dinner with him anyway. Because Jesus did that and didn’t let his heart be stirred by the gossip, Zacchaeus totally changed his heart and through that probably the lives of many people he returned money too. Imagine someone ripped you off and comes back to you asks for forgiveness and gives you back more than he took, that might make you wonder about the heart change of that person.  So safe places can really change the lives of not just you but many people in your surroundings!

  1. Start this week to check yourself and see if you gossip about others and if you do ask God for forgiveness and change.
  2. Stir conversations away from Gossip. Instead of going along with gossip say something positive about the person that’s talked about.

Hey our friend

How was your week? 4th of July is soon on us and with that another neighbor barbecue in our apartment. We are so excited!! Last week was a good week too. We had meeting with a good friend about some details for the website. Its such a blessing to have friends that are specialists in their fields.  We also had a wonderful neighbor brunch. As always it was a great time to connect! Being friends with the people right around you is such a blessing and it gives all of us community we long for!!

Remember this week the 2 questions that we posted!!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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