Love your Neighbor – Hospitality is key Part 3

What did God speak to you through last weeks questions? Were you able to create a safe place?

Love your neighbor –Hospitality is the key part 3One of the things many people are longing for is a place of belonging, a family. When you provide hospitality in your home you invite your neighbors into family. I remember a thanksgiving meal at our house where we went around the table and had everyone share what they were thankful for and the answer was pretty much the same for everyone that came; the feeling of family around this table. When you open up your home and invite neighbors in it is different than if you go out to a restaurant, You invite people into your home and your family.  So hosting a dinner can change the perspective someone has about family. Some people might have never had a loving family, but now experience being loved. Some people might have never received an invitation to a home, but now they are sitting at the table eating dinner together. In Psalms it talks about that God will put the lonely into families and we can all have a part in that by offering hospitality. But its not just a great thing for the neighbor that joins you, its also a blessing for you. Our lives are so enriched by neighbors being family to us too. Home doesn’t end at our fence anymore but it spills over into many other houses around us!

Invite this week a neighbor over for dinner and with that invite them into your life!!

Hey our friend

4th of July week already went by quickly. We had a wonderful time at the barbecue with lots of grilled goodness. It might not be the healthiest for your body, but let me tell it for sure is for your joy!! We are so glad God made us in a way that we have to eat food daily!! During the last week we also had a big worship event in the city where many people prayed and worshipped together. It was a wonderful time!

Remember this week to invite a neighbor over for dinner!!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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