You don’t need everyone to love you just…

Find out what this blog is about by watching the video. We hope it inspires you!

Hey our friend

We hope your week was great. If I would need to title our last week it would be the week of Goodbyes and on the other hand celebration. We had a memorial service for a friend from the neighborhood who we knew for a long time. IItwas good to remember him with all his friends. And then we also said a Goodbye to Bethany on her way to Italy. Pray for her while she is starting with YWAM there for 1 year. But then we also had happy moments with a birthday party of our neighbor friends and we got to see the San Francisco Symphony. Of course, we also had all the usual things going on which was awesome too!!

With that looking back the last week was a great example for life, happiness and sadness so close together. But both together make out life and everything in between. So if you are in a sad time right now just know it will pass.

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Ready for an Adventure?

Right in front of me on top of my desk is a wedding invitation for my brother and his future wife with the words “Our Adventure begins”. I love that way of looking at life. When we think of Adventure we think of new experiences, exploring something, but also taking risks. With a great adventure, you never know what comes next. But most of the time we would have some kind of guide who can lead us on this adventure. As an example, if you go White River rafting you probably will go with someone who is experienced and not just by yourself in your own little rubber boat.

Life as a follower of Jesus is an Adventure, but the great thing about that is that we also have a guide with us. God leads us along the way and is always with us. He knows totally what’s best for us along the way of that adventure. I was recently reading through the books of 1. Kings and you can see different outcomes when the kings went on their Adventure with God or without him. When they went with him He was guiding them along the way, gave them the right perspective and also the courage to do the right thing. If they walked by themselves, usually things didn’t work out well for them.

So going on an adventure always requires a good guide and God wants to be that guide for each one of us. Yes, Adventures can be challenging and sometimes scary, but with the right guide at your side things will work out better. Because you know He’s got things! Going down that White River and seeing the waves left and right can really bring fear, but with the guide in the front of the boat giving instructions and leading, it can be a lot of fun.

We want to encourage you to let God guide you in your Adventure. You will have an exciting journey ahead, but also someone who is with you when things don’t look as good.

Hey our friend

Labor Day is here and also the time of our last big barbecue for this year. Its sad that it is the last one for this season, but in the same way we are really excited to spend time with our neighbor friends. Make sure to invite some new people to your barbecue it is always exciting!!

But sadly life can’t be just barbecues; sometimes we also have to do office work. But we got a lot of stuff done this week. And it feels good too when you can see immediate results.

We hope you had a good week too and want to wish you an amazing one for this coming one! Let God guide you into your own Adventure with Him!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

We might not change the whole world but lets start where we live

This blog is all about how each one of us can make a difference. Be inspired!

Hey our friend

Wow we are almost at the end of August. How did time go by so fast? But that means our San Francisco summer will arrive soon!! We hope your summer met all your expectations!!

Last week we were able to see the musical Les Miserables which was amazing!! I highly recommend watching it. During the weekend we visited a neighbor who used to live very close to us but had to move because her building was retrofitted for earthquakes. She was so happy that we came. We also had a wonderful time at the boys and girls club and at the Italian Center. On Friday we had half yearly meeting with all the YWAM works in the bay area to evaluate how things are going. It was refreshing and encouraging.  Maybe find a time sometime to evaluate your own life too. It can be super helpful, encouraging and challenging.

We wish you a blessed week!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Neighborhood Foundations

Recently a friend from Germany came to visit us in San Francisco. While giving him a tour todays blog about neighborhood foundations came into existence. Enjoy!!

Hey our friend

We hope you are doing great!!! Last week 2 of our old friends who used to work at the ywam Base in San Francisco came to visit and we got to have dinner together. It was so wonderful!! There is just something really special when you see old friends again and it feels like time stood still. Outside of that jen had a book club meeting which over the years gave her wonderful friendships to older ladies in the neighborhood. During her book club meeting I was mentoring a young man who became a really good friend or more like a son to me. He has such a heart for God and for his community. We need more people like him in this world!! Jen and I were also able to go on a double date together with jesse and cassia to watch a baseball game which was really fun.

So now have a wonderful week and make sure to find some neighborhood foundations of your area!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Weakness = Strength

Recently I saw a video which showed a view of different people and how they were capable of more then anyone would think they are. It showed some people with a talent in sport even they had a handicap. It was amazing to see how each of them probably believed in who they are and didn’t let themselves be limited by how others said they cant do it.

It reminded me of people we talked about in the last few months like Peter or Paul. Both of them experienced things that seemed impossible, but God used them in power and changed the world through them. When we look at those different men from the bible we notice something different so. They did not necessarily believe in their own ability, but they trusted in God showing up. Paul talks about that when he is weak Christ is strong in him. He admitted openly that it was not by his might, but by Gods power that he did the things he did. So Jesus said that he will be with us till the end of time with that meaning He is with us like with Paul and Peter and he can show up miraculously when we are weak. So when you feel you don’t have the strength or ways to do something greater than you would be able to achieve, welcome to good company. Most people in the bible experienced something like that, but then in there weakness God showed up strong.

We want to encourage you this week to let God be strong in your weakness through your life!

Hey our friend

We had a wonderful Time at our annual Staff Retreat where all the ywam staff form the bay area comes together to learn and encourage each other. It was a refreshing time for everyone that came. Jen had a meeting for the neighborhood watch group which was encouraging for her since she had a big group there! It’s wonderful how the neighborhood watch brought so many people together and gave us so many new relationships.

We wish you a blessed week and remember its ok to feel weak, because in those times god is even stronger through you!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen