Weakness = Strength

Recently I saw a video which showed a view of different people and how they were capable of more then anyone would think they are. It showed some people with a talent in sport even they had a handicap. It was amazing to see how each of them probably believed in who they are and didn’t let themselves be limited by how others said they cant do it.

It reminded me of people we talked about in the last few months like Peter or Paul. Both of them experienced things that seemed impossible, but God used them in power and changed the world through them. When we look at those different men from the bible we notice something different so. They did not necessarily believe in their own ability, but they trusted in God showing up. Paul talks about that when he is weak Christ is strong in him. He admitted openly that it was not by his might, but by Gods power that he did the things he did. So Jesus said that he will be with us till the end of time with that meaning He is with us like with Paul and Peter and he can show up miraculously when we are weak. So when you feel you don’t have the strength or ways to do something greater than you would be able to achieve, welcome to good company. Most people in the bible experienced something like that, but then in there weakness God showed up strong.

We want to encourage you this week to let God be strong in your weakness through your life!

Hey our friend

We had a wonderful Time at our annual Staff Retreat where all the ywam staff form the bay area comes together to learn and encourage each other. It was a refreshing time for everyone that came. Jen had a meeting for the neighborhood watch group which was encouraging for her since she had a big group there! It’s wonderful how the neighborhood watch brought so many people together and gave us so many new relationships.

We wish you a blessed week and remember its ok to feel weak, because in those times god is even stronger through you!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

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