Category Archives: Markus and Jen News

Trust in a well?

This weeks video blog is about a story from John 4 and about where we put our trust in. Be inspired!

Hi our friend

We hope you had wonderful 4th of July week. We had a wonderful bbq with neighbors here. It was awesome. What we loved most about it is that neighbors met each other that didn’t know each other previously. It was wonderful to see new connections being established in our community. This bbq showed us again that it is important for having a neighborhood that knows each other to have a place where neighbors can connect naturally with each other. Think about how your home can be a place like that for your neighborhood!

Also don’t forget to look at your life this week and ask yourself where your trust is in!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Its better together

Doing things together is most of the time better! With this video blog we want to inspire you to read the bible together with others and about why that is such a blessing.

Hello friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!

What a good week! Jen got a chance to go to a leaders meeting of different ministry leaders and Pastors in San Francisco. It was a wonderful time of sharing and brainstorming together how to be Jesus hand and feet in the city. It is wonderful that times like this exist since it creates collaboration, sparks ideas and brings the body of Christ together. Times like that are also special since each one that comes sees that they are not alone. Think about your town and maybe ways how different churches, ministries and individual believers could have a meetup to talk with each other how to make a difference in your town.

Also start this week, as we talked about in the video blog, to find others who want to read the bible together with you and spend time to talk about it!!

Have a blessed week

Markus, Jen and Caleb

Humility opens the door

This weeks video blog is about a story from John 4 and how a door was opened through humility. Be inspired!

Hi our friend

How are you? We hope wonderful!

During our last week Caleb caught a cold which then limited us a bit especially with connecting with families in the park. But we were able to connect with others and get other things done that needed  to get done which was a blessing. We were also able to spend extra time with Caleb inside the house which he felt really blessed about. Also all of us felt we got a bit of extra rest through the situation. Yes it was first a bit frustrating that we couldn’t do the things we planned but then God turned the frustration into a blessing for all of us. One thing I want to encourage you with this week is to always look for the good in every situation. It’s easy to find the negative and let that lead to frustration and have your full focus on that. But what if we instead of looking at that look at God and let him help us to focus our eyes on the good? When you do that it will change your perspective and also puts your focus on God. I love that in the Psalms how David even in the hardest situations tried to keep his focus on God and his goodness. Lets all do that too!!

Also don’t forget to connect with your neighbors by humbly asking for help!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

No matter the cost

This weeks video blog is about a story in the book of Daniel which is as relevant today as it was then. Be inspired!

Hello friend

We hope you had a good Pentecost and Memorial Day Weekend. Pentecost is such an important day to celebrate since it is the day when the Holy spirit came to the disciples. The good news is as he was with them then, so is he with us today. He is our guide in a world full of uncertainty. Let him guide you too!

We had a good week in San Francisco. I had more time with Caleb this week as Jen was preparing training for a summer retreat. We look forward to this time and the opportunity to encourage more children in their relationship with Jesus as well as in loving their neighbors. Caleb started singing for the first time this week and of course his favorite song the wheels on the bus go round and round!

As the 3 in Daniel trusted God totally no matter what it cost them, let us ask God for such faith and his Holy Spirit to give us strength to do this too!

Have a blessed week

Markus, Jen and Caleb

Stories to think about – Malachi’s message of I love you

Our story today is about Malachi’s message of I love you. May he encourage you!

Hi our friend

How was your week? We hope fantastic!!

Our last week was special since we got a visit from a friend who came in for Korea. It was such a wonderful time. We love that we have friends from all over the world and through that got to learn about different cultures. We also had some wonderful times with a brunch, a board meeting and many other moments.

Also don’t forget this week to share the good news about how God loves us with someone you get in touch with!! This is good news!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen