
Over the last few months we looked at different people from the bible from time to time. Today we want to write about Peter, the friend of Jesus.

Peter used to be a fisherman before Jesus called him to be a disciple. A fisherman was a normal job but when Jesus called him to be a disciple that was a huge honor and upgrade for him. So first of all Jesus honored Peter by offering him that position. During their time together Peter grew in his faith also through stepping out in it and failing. One time he walked on the water, but then second guessed himself and what Jesus said, and began to sink, but Jesus pulled him out. But after all he took a step of faith in that situation and that takes a lot of courage. Later on he called Jesus the son of God which earned him credit from Jesus and also showed how he hears clearly from God. But just one chapter later he gets rebuked by Jesus because he did not listen to God. Again Peter was a normal guy with issues like all of us.

When we come towards the end of Jesus life Jesus told Peter how he would deny him in front of the people before the rooster would crow, but Peter strongly disagreed. But Jesus was right as soon as he was caught Peter denied him. But that moment changed something in Peters life. He broke down crying. Probably he realized even more that without trusting in Gods ability and not his own he would be lost. After Jesus rose from the dead, him and Peter had a conversation, in which Jesus spoke out his full trust in Peter. He said it 3 times that he trusts him and that he would build his Community (in the Jewish bible its called community not church) on him. Jesus rebuilds something in Peter by speaking out his full support to him not based on Peters achievements but based on how Jesus believed in him.

When we read further in the New Testament we see how that word came true and how he build his church on him. When we look at the church today we notice that all of us in the church are a bit like Peter ourselves. We are not perfect people; we have our problems and issues like Peter. But God still decided to choose us to build his Kingdom. He chooses imperfect people to bring change to an imperfect world. He takes us by the hand and walks with us like Jesus walked with Peter. He believes in us and wants to help us grow and succeed. So let us all take the hand of Jesus and let him guide us in our journey.

Hey our friend

What’s new in your life? Are you enjoying your summer?

Last week i (Markus) celebrated my 41st birthday and it was awesome!! Jen took me a to toy train museum the sunday before. On the day off, we went on a hike with the encouragment group and i got blessed with some amazing picninc food. At night we went out for a meat dinner which was amazing!! I made a little album if you want to see some pictures click on this link:

We also had some wonderful times with our neighbor friends. God really blessed us with friends that just live across the street! Its amazing!! Let him gift you with the same thing! Trust me its a blessing!!

Let the example of Peter show you in all our strength and weaknesses, in all our failures and successes, God wants to work with us!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Restored by Him so He can restore others through us

This blog is Part 2 of our last Blog and its about letting ourselves be healed from Jesus so that he can heal others through us. Be encouraged!

Hey our friend

Summer is just a great time!! Make sure you enjoy every sunny day and thank god for each one of them!  We had a great week here in San Francisco. Our church had a picnic in our big city park and invited others that were there to join. It was a wonderful time to love on visitors of the park and also eat food together. It was an encouraging time. We also had all the usual things going on which was wonderful too!! We want to encourage you to brainstorm this week on how to show love to people that you already know.

Remember this week to let him restore you so he can restore others through you!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Jesus does full restorations

Jesus doesn’t just want to partially restore us, no he wants to do it in every way. Be encouraged through this weeks video blog!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!! Last week we had our bay area meeting with all the leaders of the different ywam works in this area. It was encouraging and refreshing.  Jen also was a part of 2 book clubs this week of which the members became true friends over the years. Its amazing how many friendships can happen if you connect with the things that are happening in your community. And the great thing is we can all do it!

Remember this week that Jesus doesn’t do halfway things he wants to fully restore!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Facing hard circumstances

This week we have another video blog on how to face hard circumstances. I hope it encourages you!

Hey our friend

What’s new in your life? Are you enjoying your summer? Update us!!

Our week was filled with a barbecue for the 4th of July which was amazing!! Many neighbors and people from our community came together in our little apartment and connected. It was a great time for great conversations and eating together. We always look forward to the barbecues. The rest of the week was great too with many wonderful times with neighbor friends.

If you face hard things in your life make sure to walk through it with god and his hand and feet on this earth!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Loving your Neighbor 2018

This week we have a video blog from the countryside in PA about our favorite Topic loving your neighbor. Enjoy!!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!! We were in Pennsylvania last week to see family and to attend the wedding of our wonderful cousin Katie and her wondeful husband stephen. We had a great time. Before we left we had a neighborhood event which was encouraging. This week we will have a wonderful 4th of July Barbecue with neighbors. Deepen your friendships this summer with your neighbors by inviting them over for a barbecue. It’s a great way to connect and get to know each other more!

Don’t forget this week to love your neighbor!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen