Author Archives: Markus

A new Start

“Tomorrow is the first blanka-new-start page of a 365day book. Write a good one!” Brad Paisley

Today, or depending when you read this, we started into a New Year. A new year can also mean a new start. Last week we talked about to leave old things behind to start new. I like the quote from Brad Paisley at the beginning of the Blog, it’s a great way to live our life. I think sometimes we just live life, not thinking about the purpose and why we do what we do. We need to start asking ourselves what do we want to write in our book on a daily basis. Do we want it to say went to work, came home, worked some more, watched the news, played a video game, went to bed. Or do you want it to say spend time with God this morning and got a new perspective for the day, went to work and was able to show love to a coworker, drove home and worshipped God in the car, came home had intentional time with my family, helped my neighbor with bringing in the groceries, spend time praying for my community, read my bible together with my family and spend time in His presence together as a family and reflect on the day, went to sleep.

What do you want to be written in your book? Ask yourself that question daily. If your book would be daily like the first example I think a lot of people would put it down and get bored, but with the second option they would stay engaged. So I think in order to have a fresh start, we should have the Father involved in every part of our life. So how do you want your year/ life to look like? Its your choice!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a great week digesting all the good food from Christmas. First of all we want to wish you a blessed and happy New Year. May it be the best year so far!! We are now in Pennsylvania with our family. Please keep San Francisco in your Prayers while we are gone! Thank you for standing with us!! You are truly a blessing!

Have a great week!
Markus and Jen

Leave the old behind

leave-the-old-behindA few months ago we went to a local beach in San Francisco and ran into a big Jewish Celebration there, the new year celebration Rosh Hashana. Many people stood together at the beach worshipped God and the Rabbi shared a message about the Celebration. In that message he encouraged people to throw all their sins into the ocean to have a fresh start into the new year with no leftover baggage from the old year. So all the people at the event walked down to the ocean and threw bread as a symbol for their sin into the ocean.

This is a beautiful picture of what Jesus wants for us too. He wants us to give our sins to Him by repenting for them so we can live a life of freedom. He already paid for them so don’t carry that burden around with you. Let this year end by dropping off all that baggage at Jesus feet.

Here are some easy steps to do that:

  1. Think about what sin you are still carrying around and write it out on a piece of paper.
  2. Pray and ask God to reveal things you missed and then write those on the paper
  3. Start going down the list one by one and use the following steps. First ask for forgiveness. Second spend a moment to receive his forgiveness. Third cut of any condemnation that you feel and give it to Jesus. Fourth declare what you want to do from now on. Example: if you lied declare that you will now with His help speak the truth. Fifth Rebuke the enemy. Tell him that he has no more power over you in Jesus name.
  4. Take the piece of paper and burn it as a statement that its really gone, of course burn it in a safe place!

It might take some time to do that depending on the length of your list but its worthy to leave everything in the old that you don’t need.

Hey our friend

We hope you had a great week celebrating Christmas. WE had a big meal with friends (neighbors) at our house. It was a lot of fun and we ate way too much food! Please pray for lonely people in this season since the holidays are an especially hard time for people that have no one! This week we will leave for Pennsylvania to spend time with family there.

Thank you for praying with us and supporting us financially in this past year. We don’t take it for granted and are thankful for you every day!! You are such a blessing!!

Have a great week and a good New Years Eve celebration!
Markus and Jen

A 4 week Christmas challenge Week 4

a-4-week-christmas-challenge-week-4This is Christmas week and also the week for our last challenge!! Wow 4 weeks went by fast!

Growing up in a beautiful small town in Germany made me value the special Christmas Eve service. Every year we would go on Christmas Eve and every person would get a candle. During the service the Christmas story was read and we sang Christmas Carols. Before the last song was sang a few people went to the front of the church and lit the kirche-church-hertmannsweilercandle they got on the candle on the Altar, but not for themselves, but to use it to light up the candles of everybody else in the church. It’s a beautiful picture of community. People that sometimes don’t even know each other share that flame with each other. It’s a beautiful picture and also the challenge for our last week.

Like we share the light of the candle with each other, let us share the good news of Jesus with the people you prayed for by inviting them to our Christmas church service. Yes it can be hard sometime to invite someone to church, but in the same way Christmas is a great opportunity to do that. Make sure that you go together and sit together at church so they have you on their side. Also introduce them to others at the church. When you do that you give them a sense of belonging and show them the love of God through the love we have for each other!

We wish you a merry and blessed Christmas!! Enjoy this German Christmas song that is played at the end of most Christmas eve services when the candles are lit!

Hey our friend

Wow Christmas is almost here or might be here depending when you read this blog! We had a wonderful week here in San Francisco with Christmas carol singing in our local park and after that praying for the local businesses. It was a wonderful time. We also celebrated Christmas with the North beach staff and also our game night group. Both were wonderful !! This week will be a bit slower , but we want to spend extra time to pray for people in our community that don’t have family and might be isolated to find community. Please join us in this for the people here as well as the people in your area!! Also don’t forget your person that you plan to have over for Christmas. Pray for them this week that they would feel the love of God through celebrating Christmas with you!!

Remember this week Emmanuel God came to us and He is with us.

Have a wonderful blessed week

Markus and Jen

A 4 week Christmas challenge Week 3

a-4-week-christmas-challenge-week-3Wow we are in week 3 and I feel so much time passed! Where was God using you to bring peace? How did it go? We want to encourage you to write those things down in a journal so you can look back at it someday! Also don’t forget to invite that person God put on your heart to your house for Christmas!

Each year about 2 Billion Christmas cards are sent out just in the US alone. That is a lot of Christmas cards. Do you remember getting an unexpected Christmas card? How did it make you feel? I remember cards I got from people that I haven’t seen forever and it made me feel so loved. Jen and I brought a Christmas card to every person we have relationship with on this hill we live. We want each one of them to know that they are loved and special to us and God. I remember the first year we did that we had some amazing responses and friendships were started through that. So to really get to know your neighbors this is a wonderful way to start.

  1. If you can, print a card with you and your families picture on it. Its more special than just using custom cards, but they work too, since we are already close to Christmas this year! Better a custom card then no card.
  2. Bring something along with the card maybe some home baked specialty.
  3. Pray over each Card that the person will feel the love of God through it!
  4. Deliver them personally and bring them to all the neighbors around you, Co workers and people who God puts on your heart.

Be excited to see what God will do through it!!

Hey our friend

20161212_085036-collageI think this week had the most Christmas parties we went to in the amount of 7 days. WE had a German Christmas party for our german speaking group, a YWAM Christmas party for the YWAM Bay area family, a Neighborhood Christmas party for all the people from the neighborhood association which we are a part of and then we ended with a church Christmas party. But all of them were awesome and a great way to connect with people. We also just had a great week in general. We were baking tons of german sweet bread “Hefekranz” to give to our neighbors along with the Christmas cards.

Please pray with us in this Christmas season that every person will have a place to celebrate Christmas at. Pray that every person will have an opportunity to hear the reason for the season! Make sure to share it also with people in a way they understand so they can experience the love of God! Let God guide you in the how, since each person is different.

Have a wonderful blessed week

Markus and Jen

P.s. This is totally unrelated, but I just saw a Trailer for a movie made about one of my favorite books, The Shack. It’s a story about a man who meets with God, jesus and the Holy Spirit after going through a really hard time in his life. If you haven’t read it give it a try!! Make sure to read further then page 80 since the first 80 pages are a bit slow. But here is the trailer to it.