Author Archives: Markus

Love your neighbor Part 3 Find ways to connect

Love your neighbor Part 3So over the last weeks we wrote about how to start an initial contact with our neighbors, but to really become friends with them that is just the beginning.

Getting to know people better takes time and effort. One thing that really helps is to compliment on things that matter to them. As an example if your neighbor loves his car compliment him on his car. If he loves his garden compliment on that. Also show interest in what he is doing. Sometimes there are things that you might not be as interested in, but trust me you can even then learn something. Make an effort. If you are interested in what they are passionate about it can open a door for deeper relationship.

Now take an action:

Compliment one neighbor this week!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful summer week! Jen and I are in PA sharing about the work in San Francisco and connecting with friends and supporters. Pray that God gives us a fruitful time of empowering people to live the great commission in there neighborhoods.

Let us know if there is anything we can pray for you!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

Love your neighbor Part 2 Be interdependent

love your neighbor part 2Last week we talked about the first part of how to love your neighbor by actually having the first interaction through a simple hello. Today we want to talk about how to be more interdependent with neighbors. As an example if you need a certain tool, instead of buying it just borrow it. Or one example that happened to us. Jen and I were making lunch and we realized that we were missing one egg for that certain dish. Instead of running to the grocery store we went over to our neighbor and borrowed one from them. The next time we would go back to the store we would give it back to them. That opens up 2 conversations for you. It also builds trust, because they see that you stand to your word and return things.

Today we often live with an independent mentality; we drive home from work open our garage door from the car and close it without even seeing anyone around our house. This doesn’t help to build relationship and love your neighbor. So living interdependent will help to change that.

How would you feel if you would have to totally depend on your neighbors? Would it not be good to have a relationship with them?

Take a first step: Next time you need something that you could borrow from a neighbor do it. And also offer it to them as well. It will help you to be more connected with neighbors!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week. I (Markus) didn’t have the best week since I found out that I had a kidney infection and had to stay in bed. It was a bummer. But sometimes things happen in life and you just have to deal with them. Please pray for a quick recovery.

For the next 2 weeks we are sharing with friends and supporters in Pennsylvania about the work here and also share with them how they can impact their community. Pray for clear vision for each person we talk to and a open heart for the people right around them.

Thank you for being a great friend to us! May God bless you richly

Markus and Jen

Love your neighbor Part 1 say hello

love your neighbor part 1Last week we started this series with writing about the issue that 7 out of 10 Americans don’t know there neighbor. For the next weeks we want to give you some helpful tips on how to change that.

To get to know neighbors we have to start the initial contact. It can be as simple as saying hello and asking how they are doing. When we moved to North Beach we made an effort to say hello to people that live around us. Sometimes we saw them in front of their house cleaning or we meet them while they walked around. A simple hello and name exchange started to build a relationship. The next time we saw our neighbors we could actually call them by name.  We also know that this can be harder if you live in a suburb where people drive back from work right into their garage, but even there you can still do it. Just walk up to their house ring the bell and introduce yourself as the neighbor. It opens up conversation.

This is the challenge for this week:

  1. Set aside time to say hey to your neighbors
  2. Take an effort and meet your immediate neighbors by just introducing yourself

You can do it!!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week. We celebrated independence day with a barbecue to which we invited our neighbor friends and other friends from the city. It was a wonderful time!

We also had many great dinners this week at our house with Pastor friends. It was a wonderful time. It is always fun to spend time with like minded friends.

Please keep our encouragement group in your prayers. We want to see the concept spread to different areas and see people start them. But for that to happen we have to write a how to. Pray for Gods guidance in that.

It’s a blessing to know you

Have a great week

Markus and Jen

7 out of 10 Americans don’t know there neighbor!

7 out of americansRecently Jen was researching for a speech she was going to hold at a citywide neighborhood watch captain meeting and found this information. 7 out of 10 Americans (70%) don’t know there neighbor. Isn’t it sad that we don’t know the people that live closest to us? The article also talked about that when neighbors actually know and have relationship with each other, crime goes down in those communities. Why? Because everybody is watching out for each other.

When we think about the 2 greatest commandment Jesus gave us in Mark 12.30-31 we see the biblical implication of this:

30  Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. ’There is no commandment greater than these.”

Jesus called us to love our neighbor as the second highest command, but how can we do that if we don’t even know them? This is a challenge for each one of us! I remember when Jen and I started to say hello to neighbors on the street and then started having barbecues brunches, dinner etc. The outcome of that was that we ended up having wonderful neighbor friends that we love dearly. But it took an action to get to that place.  Here are some questions to ponder on:

  1. How can I meet my neighbors? (bring over cookies, have them over for dinner etc.)
  2. How can I love them? (help them shopping, being a listening ear etc.)
  3. What actions do I have to take? (greet neighbors, have a brunch, come up with a plan etc.)
  4. What do I have to change to set times for that? (work schedule, social schedule etc.)

When you start doing that, not only your neighbors will benefit from that, no but you will. You will have great friends that live really close to you.

Hey friend

Relationships, Relationships, Relationships! This is the biggest part of our life here in San Francisco. During the last week we went to Neighborhood watch captains meeting where Jen was asked to speak. It was a great time that keeps connecting us with people in the city that are passionate about there neighborhood.

IMG_0038We also had our Winter DTS Graduation which was in one way a happy thing but on the other side a sad thing. We will miss those wonderful students!! Pray that God will guide them in there next steps and how to move forward in their lives.

Last Saturday we celebrated that I got my permanent Greencard with a Greencard Party with neighbors and friends that have the same privilege. It was as well a wonderful time to connect.

We want to encourage you with the first part of the blog and our life to invest in relationships. It has the power to change your life, neighborhood and community.

Markus and Jen

What is giving me life?

what gives me lifeThe other day I was sitting at home, enjoying a day off, when I got a phone call from a friend. He told me that he is in the neighborhood and that he wanted to see if we are home. I said yes and i ended up spending time with him for 5 hours. This was not planned, and on my off days I often just like to be introverted and read a book. But this day ended up looking very different. We spend time praying for each other and sharing a meal. When he left that night I felt so encouraged and uplifted by the words he shared and just by the time we spend.

It showed me again that sometimes we think we know what is best for us, but sometimes that is different to what is really good for us. Ask yourself these questions:

  1. What is giving me life?
  2. After what activity do I feel the most refreshed (Physically, emotionally and spiritual)?
  3. How can I make sure I have those things as an essential thing planned into my life and my schedule?

Hey our friend!

jurassic worldWhat a fantastic summer we have so far. A follow up to one of our favorite movies came out this summer Jurassic World. Jen and I were so excited for that for a long time so that we had a hard time waiting to finally see it.

We also had a wonderful week going deeper in relationships we have. Its amazing to see how relationships are key. You can see that actually over the whole bible, God uses relationship to move. We want to encourage you to build friendships to people right around you, your neighbors.

Thank you so much for being a part of our life! You are a blessing. May God bless you richly.

Markus and Jen