Tag Archives: Community

Love your Neighbor – Significance of place Part 2

Love your neighbor the significance of place part 2We still miss our beloved neighbors and we pray that your love for your neighbors increased.

When we moved to our hill we learned about green parrots who live here. This is not their natural environment at all but in some way, they ended up here. With that being the case over the years they adapted to the area. They started to eat the things they could find here and started to live on the different trees. I’m Parrotsure they were not the same as in their own environment but they adjusted. But while adjusting they still stayed true to who they are. They are still loudly talking to each other and hang out in their big group.

As the parrots did it we can do it too. When we moved to our area we really got to know people and adjusted to the life in that area. TO get to know people we had to be interested in what they are interested about. As an example, before we moved to our place I didn’t know much about keeping areas historic, but being here I learned a lot about that. With that, we were able to understand our neighbors better, connect and actually help out with some of the things people care about here. But then we did not change Markus and Jen and their love for Jesus. So whenever we do something and are involved in something we hope that it reflects to every one we get in touch with.

When we look at Jesus we notice that he always adjusted to the place he was in. It didn’t matter if it was with the rich, the poor, the powerful or the religious leaders. He always connected with them, but he always stayed true to who He is.

We want to challenge you to be incarnational in your community and reflect Jesus through your life.

Hey our friend

How was your week? We hope fantastic!!!! We had a really full week here in San Francisco filled with art, meetings, baby sitting and a Haeusser hangout just to name a few of them. But we noticed even if the week is full there is time that we can spend with each other and with God. We just have to be more intentional about how we use our time. Look at your schedule and see how you can use your time more intentional.

So start looking at your neighborhood and start to figure out how you can fit in better!!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

Love your Neighbor – True love feels like something

Isn’t it amazing when you start to realize how significant your place is and how much of an impact you can make with it. Its wonderful! Keep remembering that and keep doing it!!

Love your neighbor true love feels like somethingThe other day I read the story of Lazarus and how Jesus mourned when he found out his friend died. It moved his heart because he really cared about his friend. Even he knew he would come back to life it still hit him. It was because he had a true love for him. He wasn’t just an acquaintance or someone he saw from time to time, no it was someone He truly cared about.

Recently our neighbors of 4 years moved back to Greece. When we came closer to their moving day it really hit us. We genuinely became sad because Jen and I both truly loved them and they became family to us. It was not just the feeling of someone moving that you barely knew and you would say goodbye to, no it was a goodbye that you would say when your brother or sister moves far away. We celebrated Easters and Christmases together and many other holidays, had dinners together and went on double dates. All those things brought us so close. So when they left it left a gap in our life.

A true genuine friendship with your neighbors feels like something. It moves your heart when they struggle or makes your heart happy when they are in a great season. We want to challenge you this week to have genuine relationships with your neighbors. Think about how it would make you feel if they would be gone and by that reaction you can tell a bit more where your relationship is at with them.

Hey our friend

We hope you had a fantastic week. We celebrated Labor Day with a big barbecue here. It was fun like always! And it is so simple with everyone bringing something with them.  It also builds just wonderful community. Jen and I also both were able to use some of our gifting’s to help people. I started to help people by teaching them budgeting and also get out of debt and Jen uses her hair dressing gifting to help people get rid of access hair. Think this week about how you can be a blessing to your neighbors through the gifting’s you have. It helps to deepen relationship.

So take another step this week towards your neighbors and towards a deeper friendship!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

Love your Neighbor – The significance of place

Love your neighbor the significance of placeHow did it start to change you when you started to commit to things? I know it has only been 1 week, but you will see the impact it will leave!!

Todays blog is about the significance of the place we live at and it is a video blog. Enjoy!!

Hey our friend

Jesse Casia weddingHow was your week? Ours was really wonderful. One of my best friends got married this weekend and I had the honor to stand in the wedding. It was wonderful. So outside of the wedding the week was also great for me and Jen since we had some really good writing time on the book. Its moving forward!! Thank you for praying for us!! Also pray with us in this coming season for more people to be inspired to start loving their neighbors and build community through it!!

So we want to encourage you to remember the significance of being local!!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

Love your Neighbor – Are you committed?

Were you able to enjoy a great dinner around your dining table? If not do it this week!!

Love your neighbor are you commitedI lived in San Francisco for about 13 years now and Jen 7 which is a long time. One of the things I can say about this place is that you have always something going on. If it is a concert, sports, meetups, dinners etc., you name it and it is probably there. Doesn’t it sound awesome that you have so many choices? Yes in some ways it is, but in others it actually isn’t. Let me explain: Many people stand in front of so many choices and don’t know what to accept and what not. With that it creates often the answer maybe. So if something better comes up you can still skip out on the other thing. But the problem with that is, you will never be able to build deeper relationships if you always hope for something better. To build good friendships with people around you, you have to commit. You have to say yes and whatever comes along doesn’t matter, because you are important to me. So the problem with no strong friendships is actually often created by our lack of commitment or of the other person. Because if you don’t commit, that person has a hard time to commit, because everything depends on you and if you say last minute yes or no. So to be able to be committed we have to learn to say no. Yes there are always great opportunities out there, but it doesn’t mean we have to take all of them. Choose one and stick with it! When Jesus choose his disciples he was committed to them and stood with them till the end. He didn’t choose all people he could have had relationship with, he just choose 12!

So with this I want to challenge you to commit. Commit to connect with your neighbors one night a week. Make it a value and priority in your life!! It will not just change the life of your neighbors, but it will transform your relationships! You are looking for great friendships? Be committed!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a fantastic week! We had a wonderful time here in San Francisco. In the middle of the week we had a review and evaluation meeting. It was an encouraging time! For the rest of the week we just had normal life. Jen and I both feel encouraged how much relationship is created just by living life with our neighbors. Its such a blessing.

Think about ways to commit more!!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

Love your neighbor – Wieso ist essen so wichtig?

Love your neighbor Wieso ist essen so wichtigWir glauben das du bereits einen großen Unterschied in dieser Welt machst und hoffen das dich der letzte Blog noch mehr inspiriert hat ein Teil von Gottes Antwort für Menschen zu sein die Hilfe brauchen und sie seine Liebe spüren zu lassen! Du machst einen Unterschied in dieser Welt!!

Im Blog von dieser Woche geht es um essen etwas das ich unheimlich gerne mag! Ich erinnere mich an viele Situationen bei denen wir an einem Esstisch zum Brunch, Mittagessen oder Abendessen saßen und das Essen genossen und dabei in ein tiefes Gespräch kamen. Ich möchte eines dieser Abendessen mit euch teilen. Wir sind gerade auf dem Heimweg als wir einen Anruf von Carla (Name geändert) bekamen mit der Frage ob sie vorbeikommen kann. Ganz klar sagten wir ja und fragten sie ob sie mit uns zusammen Abendessen wollte. Sie stimmte freudig zu. Wir halfen alle zusammen um das essen vorzubereiten. Jen und Carla schnitten alles klein und ich kochte es zu zusammen. Nach einiger Zeit saßen wir zusammen am Tisch um das wundervolle essen zusammen zu genießen.  Als wir zusammen aßen  erzählte Carla von ihrem Leben und wie sie sich nicht mehr an das letzte Mal erinnern kann wo sie an einem Esstisch zusammen mit anderen saß. Während des Essens erzählte sie uns auch von Problemen und Dingen die sie gerade beschäftigten und war dann auch offen dafür dass wir für sie beten konnten.

Ein Esstisch gedeckt und mit einem guten Essen kreiert eine entspannte Atmosphäre und eröffnet die Möglichkeit zum Gespräch. Vielleicht hat es mit der intimen Nähe an einem Tisch oder das Gefühl eines sicheren Ortes oder vielleicht auch die Vorfreude darauf vom Essen neu gestärkt zu werden. Wenn wir Jesus und seine Jünger anschauen sehen wir wie er sehr oft mit seinen Jüngern aß und garantiert hatten sie eine großartige Verbindung in dieser Zeit! Wenn du mal daran denkst was Er uns aufgetragen hat zu tun zu seiner Erinnerung stellst du fest das es wieder um essen geht. Als Jesus seinen Jüngern sagte das sie sich an ihn durch ein essen (Abendmahl) erinnern sollten, hatte er sicher tiefgehendere Gründe dafür als das sie nur einen vollen Magen haben. Nein er wusste das Menschen näher zusammen kommen wenn sie zusammen essen. Es baut eine tiefere Beziehung zueinander auf die auch Freude und Gemeinschaft bringt!

Trauriger weise leben wir heute in einer Zeit wo viele Esstische mehr zur Dekoration da sind als das sie benutzt werden um zusammen zu sein. Unser Leben ist so voll und geschäftig das wir diese wichtigen Dinge, wie als Familie zusammen zu essen oder Nachbarn zum Abendessen einzuladen, verpassen.  Wir möchten dich ermutigen deine Nachbarn zum Essen einzuladen so das dein Esstisch genutzt wird!! Dies ist ein Segen für dich als auch für jeden der an diesem Tisch sitzt!!



Hallo unser Freund/in

Wir hoffen dass du eine super Woche hattest!! Unser war glücklich und traurig. 2 unserer Nachbar Freund verlassen uns am Ende des Monates um wieder nach Griechenland zu ziehen. Es ist immer traurig Freunde gehen zu sehen. Aber wir hatten ein letztes Abendessen mit Ihnen was super war. Bitte betet für einen guten Umzug für sie und einen guten Start in Griechenland speziell dafür dass sie Arbeit finden. Außerhalb von dem war es eine gute und geschäftige Woche. Wir arbeiten gerade extra am Buch um weiter vorwärts zu kommen. Bitte bete weiterhin dafür!!

Wir wünschen dir einen guten Appetit für dein Abendessen mit Nachbarn in dieser Woche!!

Habe eine gesegnete Woche

Markus und Jen