Love your neighbor Part 7 Be spontaneous

love your neighbor part 7In this blog series we want to show you that it is actually really easy to make an impact where you live. We hope you start to see that more by reading this series!

We have friends from India that live here in San Francisco. To spend time with them you pretty much just have to show up and it is the same way around. In our western culture we are so used to schedule everything which sometimes takes out the spontaneous times together. But when you allow those spontaneous moments it often turns into some of the best conversations. I remember a weekend Jen was gone to Pennsylvania and I just called a neighbor couple and asked if they want to come over for a movie. We ended up watching a movie starting at 12am and had a wonderful time that brought us even closer together as friends. By the time the movie was done around 2 am we had some wonderful conversations about the message of the film. We are not trying to say stay up till late night just in case someone will drop by, but be open to it. Be open for the so called “interruptions” in your day.

Also leave time in your schedule for spontaneous conversation. If you have to go to places leave a little bit earlier since you never know who you will run into. Again, those spontaneous moments can create great friendships. When I (Markus) joined YWAM a few other people joined shortly after me. So one of them had to get setup, and go to Ikea so I spontaneously decided to go with him and help him to get set up. Out of that spontaneous moment an amazing friendship started and since then we walked through good and hard times with each other. He actually became my best friend and it all started with being spontaneous.

Ask yourself:

  1. Why is it hard for you to be spontaneous?
  2. What do you have to do to become more spontaneous?
  3. Open up some time this week for a spontaneous encounter!

Have a great week with being spontaneous!

Hey our friend

We hope your month is awesome!! Writing a book is something totally new to me and to Jen, but in some way God guided each of our steps last week to move forward with this project. We want to encourage you with that as well, don’t be afraid to move forward in the things God called you to do. You can do it!!

Remember this week that Father God is with you every moment!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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