Love your neighbor Part 2 Be interdependent

love your neighbor part 2Last week we talked about the first part of how to love your neighbor by actually having the first interaction through a simple hello. Today we want to talk about how to be more interdependent with neighbors. As an example if you need a certain tool, instead of buying it just borrow it. Or one example that happened to us. Jen and I were making lunch and we realized that we were missing one egg for that certain dish. Instead of running to the grocery store we went over to our neighbor and borrowed one from them. The next time we would go back to the store we would give it back to them. That opens up 2 conversations for you. It also builds trust, because they see that you stand to your word and return things.

Today we often live with an independent mentality; we drive home from work open our garage door from the car and close it without even seeing anyone around our house. This doesn’t help to build relationship and love your neighbor. So living interdependent will help to change that.

How would you feel if you would have to totally depend on your neighbors? Would it not be good to have a relationship with them?

Take a first step: Next time you need something that you could borrow from a neighbor do it. And also offer it to them as well. It will help you to be more connected with neighbors!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week. I (Markus) didn’t have the best week since I found out that I had a kidney infection and had to stay in bed. It was a bummer. But sometimes things happen in life and you just have to deal with them. Please pray for a quick recovery.

For the next 2 weeks we are sharing with friends and supporters in Pennsylvania about the work here and also share with them how they can impact their community. Pray for clear vision for each person we talk to and a open heart for the people right around them.

Thank you for being a great friend to us! May God bless you richly

Markus and Jen

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