Love your neighbor Part 10 Be there for each other

Love your neighbor Part 10In this blog series we want to show you that it is actually really easy to make an impact where you live. We hope you start to see that more by reading this series!

I just finished reading a book that a friend recommended to us called Bo’s Café (click on the link to find it on amazon) since it goes along with what we are doing as a ministry in SF. It is a Novel that tells a story of real friendships and how you walk alongside with each other in good and bad times. I believe that this is a key to greater relationships with your neighbors as well. But how do we do that?

I think one of the key things is just to be available and being there for people. That could look different in different circumstances. Sometimes it means to celebrate with them the birth of a child or a birthday, other times it might be grieving with them through the loss of a loved one or a job. The key phrase is be there for each other. But the same is true the other way around. When you go through good or bad seasons in your life you should also be at a place with them that you could easily walk over and know that they will be there for you.

But how do you establish a relationship like that? Read more about that in our next blog!

But for this week ask yourself these questions:

  1. What do I actually know about how my neighbors are doing?
  2. What effort do I take to find out how they are doing?
  3. Do I know my neighbors birthdays and make sure to remember that day?

Take an action to move towards that!

 Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week and started well into this new month! Our work here in San Francisco is going well. Soon the students for the fall DTS are joining us to work with the boys and girls club here in North Beach. Pray that God will use them to be a blessing to the children in the Club. Our heart for their time here is, to see the students get excited about reaching their own neighborhoods back home with the tools they learn here.

Last weekend we had a wonderful neighbor brunch which is always a great way to connect with neighbors and get to know them more. We love our community here!

Remember this week that one part of life is about giving and taking!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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