Great Commission possible

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week. During this week we had a vision meeting to see where we are at and what God has done in this last season but also to look at where we are going and what we need to do to get there. It is amazing to see how God is moving things forward and how he answers prayers.  Please keep praying for us and the ministry to stay in step with what God is calling us to do. Thank you for joining us.

IMG_8062Any fulltime ministry always comes with a cost. For Jen and me it is the cost of San Francisco. City ministry is expensive, but in the same way really needed since more and more people in the world live in cities. Consider joining our support team. We still have a way to go, but we are praying for that by January next year we are fully funded through committed monthly support. During this year we lost a few monthly supporters, so to reach that goal we need about $2852 more monthly. You can support us with any amount you like since no gift is too small or too big. Click here to find out more on how to do it! Thank you for considering us.

Great Commission possible

When we think about the great commission it can be become really overwhelming. The world has about 7 billion people and about 640 million out of those are Christians. Yes that seems like a big amount of people to reach. But reality is if every Christian brings the gospel to 11 people the job is done. That doesn’t seem too hard anymore right. But how can we do that?

Jesus told us in Matthew 28.18-20 to go to all the nations. So that sounds first that you need to go overseas to be able to share the gospel, but that is not totally true. He said all the nations. You are already in a nation, you already have coworkers that don’t know him and of course you have neighbors that live right around you that many times don’t know him either. Why don’t you start right were you are at? If you know 11 people that don’t know Jesus bring the gospel to them. If you don’t know 11 people that don’t know Jesus, find them! You can use the concept God gave us (Just click on the link and read the 11 part series on our blog. This link gets you to the first one and then just keep clicking to the next one at the bottom of the blog page) or use whatever way God is giving you. You might think 11 people don’t seem very significant in the bigger picture, but if each Christian thinks that way we are not moving forward. Mother Teressa said once:

“Not all of us can do great things. But all of us can do small things with great love.”

So lets start loving people like in 1. Corinthians 13 and through that show them the gospel in action and give them a hunger for Jesus!! Start today!!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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