Love your neighbor Part 5 Invite them over

love your neighbor part 5In this blog series we want to show you that it is actually really easy to make an impact where you live. We hope you start to see that more by reading this series!

The theme of this week is: ways on how to invite neighbors over. Jen and I started Saturday brunches. I started to make German pancakes and then we just wrote an invite and handed it to our neighbors. We absolutely love those times of conversation and eating together. Sharing a meal is something Jesus always did with many different kinds of people. It is a great way to get to know each other. The great thing is that neighbors also get to know each other and that it builds a sense of community. So something simple like a brunch can bring you close with your neighbors and it is an easy way to invite them over.

But it is not limited to a meal, it can also be a movie night, a game night or something else.

2 Questions for you to think about:

  1. Think about creative ways to invite neighbors over.
  2. What night works for you to do that?

You can totally do this and trust me you will be blessed by it as much as your neighbors!

Hey our friend

A week can be good or bad depending on your perspective about it. So we hope you had the right perspective and with that a great week!!

Our week went great here in San Francisco. We got ready for some sharing times at the YWAM Retreat. You can pray with us for a fruitful time. We also had a wonderful time back in the community seeing neighbors/friends again and spend time with some of them.

Thank you for praying for our time in Pennsylvania. It was wonderful and fruitful. Also thank you for supporting us financially. You are such a blessing to us!!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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