Love your neighbor Part 3 Find ways to connect

Love your neighbor Part 3So over the last weeks we wrote about how to start an initial contact with our neighbors, but to really become friends with them that is just the beginning.

Getting to know people better takes time and effort. One thing that really helps is to compliment on things that matter to them. As an example if your neighbor loves his car compliment him on his car. If he loves his garden compliment on that. Also show interest in what he is doing. Sometimes there are things that you might not be as interested in, but trust me you can even then learn something. Make an effort. If you are interested in what they are passionate about it can open a door for deeper relationship.

Now take an action:

Compliment one neighbor this week!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful summer week! Jen and I are in PA sharing about the work in San Francisco and connecting with friends and supporters. Pray that God gives us a fruitful time of empowering people to live the great commission in there neighborhoods.

Let us know if there is anything we can pray for you!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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