Love your neighbor Part 1 say hello

love your neighbor part 1Last week we started this series with writing about the issue that 7 out of 10 Americans don’t know there neighbor. For the next weeks we want to give you some helpful tips on how to change that.

To get to know neighbors we have to start the initial contact. It can be as simple as saying hello and asking how they are doing. When we moved to North Beach we made an effort to say hello to people that live around us. Sometimes we saw them in front of their house cleaning or we meet them while they walked around. A simple hello and name exchange started to build a relationship. The next time we saw our neighbors we could actually call them by name.  We also know that this can be harder if you live in a suburb where people drive back from work right into their garage, but even there you can still do it. Just walk up to their house ring the bell and introduce yourself as the neighbor. It opens up conversation.

This is the challenge for this week:

  1. Set aside time to say hey to your neighbors
  2. Take an effort and meet your immediate neighbors by just introducing yourself

You can do it!!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week. We celebrated independence day with a barbecue to which we invited our neighbor friends and other friends from the city. It was a wonderful time!

We also had many great dinners this week at our house with Pastor friends. It was a wonderful time. It is always fun to spend time with like minded friends.

Please keep our encouragement group in your prayers. We want to see the concept spread to different areas and see people start them. But for that to happen we have to write a how to. Pray for Gods guidance in that.

It’s a blessing to know you

Have a great week

Markus and Jen

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