Category Archives: Markus and Jen News

A journey through the bible Exodus or being set free

Today we want to give a little intro and overview of the book of Exodus. Be inspired and encouraged!!

Hi our friend

How was your week?

We had a wonderful week in San Francisco. Again it was full with meetings and times of connection, still through zoom. But the amazing thing was that with all the different meetings, even we were not there in Person just on a screen, we could encourage each other. If it was the twice a year YWAM Review and Eval meeting or one on one meetings all of them brought encouragement! We want to encourage you again this week to reach out to others in the ways that are possible in this season (zoom etc.) and it will be a blessing to you as well as to them!

Also let God speak to you through the book of Exodus and where he wants to set you free!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Take a journey through the bible with us and be encouraged through a story to think about

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a greater understanding of the bible and the context of things? Wouldn’t it even be better if you would have read through the whole book? Join us for the next 29 months to do that. Every month we will look at a book from the old and from the new testament with a time of 2 weeks in between to read it. I will post a video on it with different things about the book so you have some idea what it’s about before you start reading. Then you will read the book with someone you know (it doesn’t have to be at the same time or the same place) so you can share with each other what stuck out to you. This can be done via WhatsApp group or how ever, you want to connect. WE will start next week!

To be ready this is what you need:

  1. A bible a paper version not digital
  2. A highlighter pen so you can mark verses that stuck out to you
  3. A journal so you can write down your thoughts on each book
  4. A smartphone so you can look up things if you read a word or something else you don’t understand.
  5. A co reader find one person or a group of people that join you on this journey. Maybe your church small group or a friend? Create a WhatsApp group and then exchange your thoughts with each other.

WE are looking forward to have you join us on this journey.

We also have a little story to think about, for you this week. Its about Abraham and Lot. Be inspired!!

Hi our friend

How are you? We hope you had a wonderful start into 2021

Jen and i took a few days after christmas at home just the two us which was fun. Thats why there is no update about the week, but there will be another one next week!!

Don’t forget to get this week to get the things ready you need for this journey!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful

Jesus says: “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” Luke 6.36

This weeks topic is for the theme of the year see above. Be encouraged and inspired.

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful refreshing Christmas season!

We had a wonderful Christmas week in San Francisco. Our virtual Christmas dinner was a hit and a lot of fun. All the food we cooked for it was put in to-go boxes and everyone picked it up in a bag at our apartment gate and then we meet on zoom. Even Christmas was different this year it was such a wonderful time. At the end of the week we filmed more videos for Jens art class for the kids at the boys and girls club which was a lot of fun! We also want to wish you a good start into 2021 and a happy new year!!

Ask God to help you in this new year to show his mercy daily to people, deserved or undeserved.

God bless you

Markus and Jen


Growth and Merry Christmas

Hi friend

First Jen and I want to wish you a merry Christmas with our Christmas message. We hope you feel encouraged!!


Second, this week’s blog is about growth and how important others are in it! Be encouraged!!

We had a wonderful week here in SF. WE are amazed how God keeps opening up speaking opportunities to inspire others to love their neighbor and neighborhood and how much of a blessing it is, not just for neighbors but also for us. God is just awesome!! We also hosted a virtual dinner with neighbors and whoever wanted to come which was a lot of fun too. We ate each at our own tables and were connected through zoom to talk and connect. What a wonderful time!! Maybe after Christmas have a virtual dinner with neighbors and friends too!

Since Christmas is here now we want to encourage you to engage with lonely neighbors as an example through a video call in which they can join your celebration and also maybe dropping of some Christmas cookies for them.

God bless you

Markus and Jen

One last one on I believe help me in my unbelief

I believe, help me in my unbelief Mark 9.24

This is the last blog to our year topic with a little encouragement.


Hi our friend

We hope you enjoy this Advent season. Hopefully, you got some time to reflect on the love of God in this time and also spending time with his other children!!

One of the highlights of our week here was to bake brownies for 90 of our neighbors, pack them up and give them out in a safe way with our Christmas card. It was so wonderful to see how much joy it brought to our neighbors and us! We also had a few encouraging meetings with like-minded people this week which was awesome!

One thing all of us need in this season is community and each one of us can bring it to each other. week Jen and I will start this week to get ready for Christmas with neighbors which will be virtual this year like Thanksgiving. But that doesn’t mean it was less fun. Everyone who joined us loved it and also felt part of a community. We want to encourage you to include your neighbors into your Christmas planning. Sing Christmas carols and eat together and let them be part of your community. Invite them to celebrate with you in a virtual way like on zoom.

Also Take time this week to thank God in areas where he helped you to overcome your unbelief in this last year and ask him to grow even more in your faith!

God bless you

Markus and Jen