Todays blog is about an upside down Kingdom. Be encouraged!!
Hi our friend
First of all happy Thanksgiving. We hope you get to enjoy some really good family time and food this week and feel stuffed like the turkey at the end :). Special days like Thanksgiving are a great way to bring people together. We used to set up many tables together in our little apartment and fit as many people as we could and everyone always felt encouraged in that time. Last year we had to make a change cause of covid and Everyone picked up their Thanksgiving meal and then we met up on zoom with each other. It was wonderful. We want to encourage you to use these upcoming Christmas season to bring neighbors together, online or in person.
And don’t forget to ask yourself where does God challenge you to think different?
This weeks blog is about the books of Chronicles and about the trust of those Kings. Be inspired!!
Hi our friend
We hope your week was wonderful!!!
The last week I would call a people week. I cant remember the last time i got in touch with that many people in one week. So many different conversations and times together were wonderful. Times with a listening ear, an encouraging word, inspiration and helping hand, last week had it all. And the greatest thing is that in each of those interactions everyone left encouraged. Especially in this season everyone needs others. Be one or multiple of those things things to your neighbors and see how it will also be a blessing to you!! Let us all shine the light of Jesus through our lives in times that are dark for many!
Like we talked about in todays video blog, ask God to show you the areas in your life where you haven’t let him in yet and invite him into those and trust him!
Our story today is about Salomon and about the right request! You can read the story in the book of 1. Kings 3.4-15!
Hi our friend
How are you?
We had a wonderful time on our vaccation and it was so refreshing to all of us. We didnt really know how much we needed the refreshment till we got it. Now we are back in San Francisco to some really rainy weather. We hope you had a wonderful week too!!
Dont forget this week to think about the them of this weeks blog and especially about what you would say if God asks you what you would like to have?
Our story today is about a David a man who honors God! You can read the stories in the book of 1. Samuel 24 and 26!
Hi our friend
How are you?
I cant believe that its already the last week in September. This year went by so fast. But looking back its amazing to see how God is moving things forward in so many areas. Just in this last week we finished a 21 day Love your neighbor challenge with a local church in the bay area. It was a blessing working together with them to make a difference in their community. We also had great times connecting with a friend in the neighborhood over a meal and talk about our love for Jesus. Spend this week some time to think about why you love Jesus and then share it with others.
Also spend some time to hink about how you can honor God in your life?