Category Archives: Gospel Carriers

Gospel Carriers: William Carey

This weeks Gospel Carrier also has the name Father of modern missions. Be inspired by his story.

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!!

I cant believe we are already in the last week of February! The first 2 month of this year have been going fast! Did it feel fast to you too?

Community is so important and there are so many ways we can find it. One is a men group that meets at our church that meets once a month. It’s a time to spend time together, get to know each other more and encourage each other. The other group is for women to read a book together and connect once a month about it. Again there are many ways to connect, and these are just 2 examples from our life here. The important thing is that we are part of a community. We want to encourage you to plug into community.

We also hope you got inspired by the video about William Carey. Take this Action Step: Ask God for perseverance and help in overcoming obstacles in the things he called you to do!

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb


Gospel Carriers: Francis Asbury

This weeks Gospel Carrier rode a lot to spread the Gospel. Be inspired by his story.

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!!

This week had a special moment of being able to connect with an old ywam friend who moved away but is now moving back to the city. One thing that encouraged me in this was that friendships don’t have to end when someone moves to somewhere else. It takes an effort to stay connected long distance, but it is worthied. We want to encourage you to connect this week with 1 friend that moved away and you lost contact with.

We also hope the video about Francis Asbury inspired you. Take this Action Step: Ask God where he calls you to. If you don’t have a clear direction keep doing the things he already spoke clearly about Loving your neighbor or how John Wesley said: “Do All the Good You Can, By All the Means You Can, In All the Ways You Can, In All the Places You Can, At All the Times You Can, To All the People You Can, As long as Ever You Can!”

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb


Gospel Carriers: John Newton

This weeks Gospel Carrier is a man who wrote a very famous hym but there is so much more to his story then this. Be inspired by John Newtons story.

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!!

We are out on a vacation that’s why there is no update this week. But enjoy the video!!

We hope you got inspired by John Newton. Take this Action Step: Ask God for the “John newtons” in your life that walked away from God and help them to come back to him. Also who are the “William Wilberforces” in your life that need a mentor to encourage them to do what God called them to do?

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb

Gospel Carriers: Count Zinzendorf

This weeks Gospel Carrier is Count Zinzendorf. Be inspired by his love for Jesus, Community and Missions. Be inspired!

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!!

With the weather being sunny right now we had the opportunity to be more outside again to walk around our block. That brought with it some wonderful conversations to encourage different people we met.  It’s a great way to stay healthy and also connect with others. Maybe make that a little routine in your life to go for a regular exercise walk on your block and get in conversations with neighbors!!

We hope you got inspired by Count Zinzendorf. Ask those 3 questions: 1. Ask God how you can draw closer to him. 2. Look around and see if there is a Christ centered community you can be part of and if not start one. 3. Ask God who the people are he is calling you to bring the gospel to!

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb


Gospel Carriers: Georg Fried(e)rich Händel

This weeks Gospel Carrier is Georg Fried(e)rich Händel. He wrote a very famous piece of music that still points people to Jesus. Be inspired!

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!!

This week we were encouraged several times about how God does wonderful things through small conversations and encouragement. Some told us about moments in the past when they were encouraged and found hope through us. Often we don’t hear about the results of what small acts of kindness out of love can do, but when we do we are encouraged and reassured about how important they are. We want to encourage you, especially this Christmas season, to do small things out of love for those around you.

We hope you got inspired by Haendel and his masterpiece the Messiah. Ask God and yourself what your gifting is. When you know, start using the gift for building God’s kingdom and let Jesus guide you in how.

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb