Author Archives: Markus

The Guardian Part 2 the right focus

Last week we talked about calling through the Story of the Guardian. This week we want to talk about the right focus. Be encouraged!

Hi our friend

How was your Week?

We had a wonderful week in San Francisco. It just feels so good to have fresh air!! We got to have dinner with an older neighbor friend which was a blessing. Then we also got to connect with others through zoom etc. which was also awesome! Technology can be such a blessing especially in times like this! At the end of the week we got invited to share at a Christian tech Hackathon which was a real blessing. The goal they set for the weekend to create technology to further the Kingdom of God. It was so inspiring to see Christians using their talents that God gave them in the area of technology. So awesome!! Maybe ask yourself how God wants to use your talents to further the Kingdom!!

Also pray today and ask God where you need to refocus and ask him to help you with it!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen


The Guardian Part 1 Calling

I love movies and how they tell a story and share a message. It reminds me of how Jesus connected with his audience through stories. One of the movies I really love is the guardian. Today I want to share with you a little bit about calling through it. May this blog encourage you! Oh and i also added the trailer of the movie.

Hi our friend

Isnt it encouraging when things that gave you in Prayer become reality. Our last week was a bit like that. God spoke about open doors this year for sharing about loving your neighbor, doors he would open. In the last 2 weeks he opened up 3 doors 2 churches to share at and a tech conference. Isn’t that encouraging. So Jen and I have been busy getting ready for all of that in the last week. Outside of that we had a wonderful time with people this week and since restrictions are getting more and more lifted we were able to have a dinner with our neighborhood grandpa which was awesome!! How was your week?

Also like in the Guardian, what do you think God is calling you to and where do you have to make sacrifices to do that?

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Psalm 37 experiences from a life with God

Today we want to look at Psalm 37 together. I love how David gives us inside on what he learned from his life with God and how that is relevant for us too. Be encouraged!

Hi our friend

Our week in San Francisco was good even so the smoke came back since new wildfires started. Keep praying with us that they will stop. We started to prepare a online workshop on how to love your neighbor which we will host in the next few months via zoom. We will keep you posted about the date. Last Sunday was special too since we got to meet up with a cousin in the park who was on his way through the city.  Its nice to see family that way since we cant travel so easily. We actually had quite a few opportunities this week to connect face to face which is a blessing. How are you? Send us an update on your life.

Also spend some time to read over Psalm 37 and ask God to point out what he wants to share with you in it!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Everything is possible for those who believe

I believe, help me in my unbelief Mark 9.24

This weeks topic is about our theme of the year. This months its about trusting that God is greater then all!

Hi our friend

How is your fall going? Summer in San Francisco (meaning September, October) is amazing. We had sunshine all week. That opened up the door for a social distance bbq with an older friend from the neighborhood. It was such a blessing for him and us. Its so important to stay connected with each other in this season. Loneliness, isolation and for some also depression affects many. But we can be part of the answer to change that. Try this week to go on a social distance walk with a neighbor if it is allowed in your area. You can be a true blessing!!

Also spend some time this week to look at how great our God is and let that help to let your faith rise!

God bless you

Markus and Jen


Eyes on God

Today’s blog is all about looking at what God does and not looking at the things the enemy planned. Let God inspire you through it!!

Hi our friend

How was your week?

Our week in San Francisco was great since our air finally got better. We had the opportunity through that to meet up with neighbors outside while exercising and also during a little social distance picnic in the park. What a blessing.

During this week we also meet with YWAM Kona about a new Course we will run together. Its called Commission online and its all about living and sharing your faith in the places where you are and with the people you are connected to including online!! Its goal is also to help you and give you tools to grow closer to Jesus. It’s a 4 week course with a 4 hour weekly commitment which most of those you can do on your own schedule. It starts beginning of October. Jen and I will lead a small group for it. We would love to have you join!! Here is the link to it, also make sure to write ywamsf under code so you are put in the right group with us here in SF!

Jen and I are also personally doing good and enjoying this extra time we have together this year. It’s a blessing we don’t take for granted!

Also with our blog challenge, start today to switch from looking at the things the enmy does to the things God does.

God bless you

Markus and Jen