Category Archives: Markus and Jen News

Being more like Jesus through Compassion

Over the next few weeks (with interruptions) we want to look at different characteristics of Jesus and how he lived his life. We want to learn from him and apply it to our life. This week its about compassion!

Hi our friend

We hope you had a good week despise all the stuff going on in the world!!

Our second week during shelter in place in the home went well. God gave us vision for many areas and gave us more ideas on how to love our neighbors during this challenging time. The videos on loving your neighbor from home had good responses and many felt inspired. We also started some new ways on meeting with people virtual. We had a virtual movie night and a virtual encouragement group. Its awesome that even in challenging times like this the simple command Jesus gave us to love our neighbor can still be done!! Join us in doing that and love your neighbor this week!! Follow our tips on Facebook (l-y-n) and on Instagram @loveyourneighborsf . You can also find them on YouTube under this link

Live this week more like Jesus by showing compassion to people around you.

God bless you

Markus and Jen


Faith and Trust grow with every step

This month our trust and faith topic is on how it will grow when we start taking steps. Be encouraged!!

Hi our friend

How was your week? And especially how are you doing in this very different season?

Our week here in San Francisco looked very different than any week we had so far. Starting Tuesday we had to stay inside and could only go out for grocery shopping or daily walks. That leads to many changes in the way you can love your neighbor and neighborhood. But you know what we were still able to love people in the morning during our runs by encouraging them with 6 feet distance from each other. Or we called seniors on the phone or wrote encouraging cards. We also started an online video series on how you can love your neighbor from home #loveyourneighborfromhome with a daily tip on how to do it till the end of virus crisis. Make sure to follow us on facebook l-y-n , on Instagram @loveyourneighborsf and on YouTube Playlist Love your neighbor from home – daily tips to get those videos daily. This is the season for all of us Jesus lovers to show his love to people that are lonely and isolated through creative ways!! Lets all do it and for that build stronger neighborhoods and communities that are in love with Jesus!!

Start this week to take a step in faith to increase your trust and also to give unbelieve a smaller and smaller role in your life!! You can do it!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Jonah and Second Chances

Today we have one more blog about Jonah. This time its about second chances! Be challenged and encouraged!

Hi our friend

How are you? Send us a quick update!!

With all the stuff going on with the virus all over the world, San Francisco and North Beach got its share too. A lot of things in our neighborhood are shut down like the boys and girls club and the senior center. With that extra time that we had through that, we could work on things on the bottom of the to do list. We also got the last 7 videos done for the 21 day challenge to love our neighbor and neighborhood which is awesome so that can start soon with our church. It is now more important than ever that we all do that. It might look different in this season like writing encouraging cards to neighbors or pack some care packages for seniors. It is so nice for people to see that whatever is going on in the world they are not forgotten. And that is something we all need to remember that whatever is going on God is with us (Emmanuel)!! We don’t have to fear, because our father is with us! We want to encourage you to read Psalm 91 and meditate on those words.

Where do you need a 2nd chance and who or what needs a second chance from you? Don’t wait, start today!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Jonah and a God who saves

This blog is about Jonah, yes the man who stayed inside a fish. But we want to look at another aspect of the story, the God who saves! Be encouraged!

Hi our friend

We hope your week was amazing and if not, find the positive moments that can be easily forgotten!

Our week here was great. Our wonderful brunch brought some new neighbors into the community which was a blessing for us as well as for them too. We also filmed another round of videos so we are down to 7 now!! With the coronavirus situation, our small group shrank to jen and me for the last week. Please pray for wisdom for people on how to take precautions but also pray with us against fear that keeps a lot of people away from community.

Let God guide you this week to go to the people he called you to!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

your true idendity

This week is all about identity and how important it is that we know our true identity! Be encouraged!!

Hi our friend

How are you? We hope great!! How was the last month for you?

I have to say our February in San Francisco was awesome! We had so much time with people, amazing weather and many God moments. Doors opened this month in big ways too which is super exciting. Last weekend we got to meet with a friend who helped us get started in the editing process of the book which is such a blessing. We just feel hold and guided by God all along the way. So awesome!!

Start this week to take a step in faith to increase your trust and also to give unbelieve a smaller and smaller role in your life!! You can do it!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen