Category Archives: Markus and Jen News

Being a child of God Part 2

Most of us heard it said many times that we are children of God. Over the next few weeks, we want to look at some character trades of children and how they are important for us in living as a child of God. Be inspired and encouraged through this series!

Hi our friend

How was your week?

Jen and i are on vacation that’s why you won’t find an update about the week here, but you can still enjoy the blog video and our Love your neighbor series on how to get started and then to love your neighbor is online too. It’s a topic each week with a video on Sunday and some written ideas, thoughts and encouragements on Wednesday and Friday We are excited to see what God will do through it. Make sure to start following either on facebook l-y-n or instagram @loveyourneighborsf to join us!!

Let God help you overcome fear by leaning onto Him!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Being a child of God Part 1

Most of us heard it said many times that we are children of God. Over the next few weeks, we want to look at some character trades of children and how they are important for us in living as a child of God. Be inspired and encouraged through this series!

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!!

Jen and i are on vacation that’s why you won’t find an update about the week here, but you can still enjoy the blog video and our Love your neighbor series on how to get started and then to love your neighbor is online too. It’s a topic each week with a video on Sunday and some written ideas, thoughts and encouragements on Wednesday and Friday We are excited to see what God will do through it. Make sure to start following either on facebook l-y-n or instagram @loveyourneighborsf to join us!!

Let God start speaking to you about you being His child.

God bless you

Markus and Jen

The power of testimony helps overcome unbelief

I believe, help me in my unbelief
Mark 9.24

This weeks topic is about our theme of the year and about how a testimony can help us overcome unbelief. Be encouraged

Hi our friend

We hope your week was amazing!!

Ours was good here!! Last weekend we launched a series on our love your neighbor facebook l-y-n and instagram @loveyourneighborsf with tips on how to get started in loving your neighbor too!! It’s a topic each week with a video on Sunday and some written ideas, thoughts and encouragements on Wednesday and Friday We are excited to see what God will do through it. Make sure to start following either on facebook l-y-n or instagram @loveyourneighborsf to join us!! We also got to meet up with an older friend (our neighborhood grandpa this week which was really wonderful. Slowly we are able to reconnect with people off the screen which is a blessing. Next week we are excited to have a vacation. WE are both pretty tired like many of you and around us are too. We feel so blessed that we are able to do that and we are praying that God will open the door for you too to have vacation. One last one, even we are gone the blog will still be there with a new topic every week!! Be encouraged!

Read this week testimonies in Hebrew  11 on how faithful god is and also find testimonies about what he is doing today to decrease your unbelieve!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Anger and compassion

Today we are talking about a story in Mark 3. Be encouraged and challenged

Hi our friend

We hope you are having a great week!!

We had a good week here in San Francisco. Jen was helping out at a big women’s conference online with women from all over the world. She had a wonderful time. It’s amazing how you can connect with the whole world online as a ministry platform. In the last week we also saw more and more things opening up in San Francisco like restaurants in our neighborhood. It feels a lot like in Europe now since people dine on tables outside on the sidewalks and the street. Besides those 2 new things we had a pretty usual week with many of the usual things.

Ask God daily to fill up your compassion Tank.

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Changed and new Priorities

Over the last few months many of us were isolated in our homes cause of the virus. It changed in many ways the way we lived our lives and our daily priorities. In this video blog I want to look at how all of this can bring positive lasting change after this. Be inspired and encouraged.

Hi our friend

How was your week?

Our week in San Francisco was good. We are preparing an online series on loving your neighbor and neighborhood with a weekly tip that everyone can do easily. Make sure to subscribe and follow our Love your neighbor Instagram @loveyourneighborsf or on Facebook under L-y-n to get the updates We also got to connect with people a lot during our morning runs which was super encouraging. Its such a simple way to stay in touch but also to do something good for your body too!! Try it out in your neighborhood in this coming season!!

Look at your priorities together with Jesus and ask him to help you reprioritize things that need to change!

God bless you

Markus and Jen