Category Archives: Markus and Jen News

Redemption Part 8: Redemption comes with a cost and diligent prayer

This week we are looking at 2 people that were diligent in seeking after God through prayer and fasting and in their relationship with him. And in this video we see a bit more the cost of a certain kind of redemption. Be inspired and encouraged. You find the bible reference for todays theme in Luke 3.21-38

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!! Ours was good here. In this last season I started to help out with emails at the finance office at YWAM here in San Francisco. The team really needed help and i told them that i can help for a few hours a week in whichever way they need help. Even its only in a limited capacity I really enjoy helping out. But what really encourages me too is that God is using a gifting he has given me to help in an area of need. I want to encourage you to ask God to open doors for you to use giftings he gave you to build His Kingdom.

Also Remember to pray for Redemption for people in your life and your nation. Also spend some time to think about the cost of Redemption.

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb


”Let all that you do be done in love”.

”Let all that you do be done in love”. 1. Corinthians 16.14 (ESV)

Every year a group of believers in Germany prays together for a bible verse as an overarch over the new year. This year it was the verse above. And what an important word for the new year. A word that, if we live it, can change a lot in this world. Be encouraged by today’s video in which we look a little more at this verse!

Hello our friend

We hope you had a wonderful first week of 2024. Jen got to celebrate her birthday this week which was wonderful! We also got to have a wonderful friend family and their 6 children over. We always feel so encouraged to see them. Hospitality is such a blessing not just to the people who receive it but also for the ones who can offer it. We want to encourage you this year to make this a regular practice in your life! It goes also very well along with the verse for the year and this weeks video “let all you do be done in love” since hospitality is for sure a part of showing love! Let us all be guided this year by the love of Jesus!

God bless you

Markus, Jen und Caleb

Redemption Part 7: 3 wise people and a star or the news spreads

Last week we heard about how the good news came first to the Shepards. This time the news is going to a distant land through a star. Be encouraged and challenged! You find the bible reference for todays theme in Matthew 2.1-12

Hi our friend

We want to wish you a blessed and happy new year. May you experience Gods love, goodness and grace in a new way this year. May it be a year filled with the joy of the Lord which is our strength. A joy that is not based on circumstances. May he bless you in many ways!!

Our week was wonderful! Our Christmas brunch and dinner were so much fun. Everyone who came was encouraged and felt blessed. We also got to connect with family over zoom during Christmas which was a blessing. We are excited for this new year ahead! Jen and I have a tradition to pray and ask God for words for the new year and look back at the ones from the year that passed. Its so encouraging to see things God did during the year. Maybe start that tradition too!! It’s a blessing!

We want to encourage you to have as a new years resolution to grow closer to Jesus in this coming year, no matter the cost.

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb

Redemption Part 6: The first ones to hear

How would you feel if you would be the first one to hear the best news ever? Today we will talk about some people in the Christmas story who that happened to. Be encouraged and challenged! You find the bible reference for todays theme in Luke 2.8-20

Hi our friend

First of all we wish you a blessed and merry Christmas and a good start into 2024. We had and still do, since I wrote this the day before Christmas, a wonderful Christmas time. We got to celebrate with our church last Sunday and Thursday with a wonderful Christmas meal. We also went caroling at the ferry building with a group of friends. It was wonderful to see people sing along and having a smile on their face when they heard us singing some of the classics like joy to the world or hark the herald angel sing. Christmas eve we will have a brunch with neighbor friends. In the evening we will sing Christmas carols at the ywam base and after give out Hot Chocolate to neighbors on the street in the Tenderloin. Christmas day we will cook a Christmas meal and eat together with neighbors. What a wonderful season to bring community and share with others about the best news in the world, the birth of Jesus!!

Also remember that God cares so much about you and wants to bring Redemption in your life too!

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb


Redemption Part 5: An untraditional birth

When you think of a child being born, especially of noble heritage, you probably think of a hospital or at least a home with a midwife and not a barn. Also you would probably not consider that they would travel 90 miles on the back of a donkey in that condition right?  But that is exactly what the couple did who we talk about today while carrying the King of Kings in her womb. May they inspire and encourage you. You find the bible reference for todays topic in Luke 2:1-8

Hi our friend.

When you think of Mary and Joseph and their long journey from Nazareth to Betlehem it makes me think of all the people they met along the way. During a prayer walk last week I got to meet multiple people and encourage them. It was also wonderful to hear their stories and a bit of their life while walking for a while together. Its not happening all the time that you start walking with total strangers, hear their stories and then say goodbye at friends, but it can happen when love others along the way. These conversations started after me seeing that they looked lost and offered them to help. We want to encourage you to leave margins in your life to be able to observe and to stop if needed to help others. God sometimes uses those short encounters to encourage people and show them his love. And sometimes you find wonderful friends that way!!

We also want to encourage you in this Christmas time to not forget the ones around you who might not have anyone to celebrate with. Invite them to either celebrate Christmas with you or have them over for some hot chocolate and Christmas treats to show them that you love them and that they matter to you and God!!

Spend some time to think and reflect on how Redemption for all of us started in a barn. Think about how Emmanuel God with us, the king of King was born in a humble barn and into humble circumstances.

We wish you a blessed and merry Christmas!!!

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb