Love your Neighbor – Holidays a good way to connect

Love your neighbor Holidays a good way to connectWe hope the testimonies encouraged you to step out in your community. This week its about Easter and how your testimony can encourage people.

This week will celebrate one of the most important holidays in Christian history, Easter. We all know the story of Easter and how Jesus came to open the door for reconciliation with the Father and to set us free from sin. Easter is celebrated widely in the church, but a lot of people outside of the church don’t even know about that deeper meaning of it. For many it’s a celebration of the Easter Bunny and finding gifts. But we forget about the greatest gift we get on Easter. But this is a great way to connect with people. Why don’t you invite someone over to your house for Easter for a meal with your family and share naturally during conversation why Easter is important to you.

We wanted to see the Son of God movie for Easter but instead of watching it alone we invited our neighbor friends to join us. It opened up great conversation and helped people to see Jesus in a new way and even understand Easter better. It’s simple, but it those simple things bring the love of Jesus to people because you invite someone in your life and in the same way through showing his love you show them the one who loves them even more. It doesn’t have to be a sermon, just share your story and what Jesus means to you.

  1. Ask yourself why Jesus and your faith is important to you and how it changed your life.
  2. Think this week who you could invite over for Easter dinner and then do it.

Hey our friend

We hope your week was wonderful!! Our week was great with a big birthday celebration of a friend and our wonderful times in the neighborhood it went by so fast. We also had our first session for our love your neighbor class at our church. It is exciting to see how the vision starts to spread. Our students took of for outreach to Italy and Greece and will work with refugees in those countries. Keep them in your Prayers.

We also want to wish you a blessed Easter time!! Remember He is risen and that is what our hope is built on!!

Have a wonderful blessed week!!

Markus and Jen

Love your Neighbor – Testimonies

Love your neighborTestimoniesHow were you able to take care of your neighbors last week? We are sure however you did it you were a blessing!!

This week we just want to share 2 stories with you about how much of a blessing it is to love your neighbor and how much it changes lives. A few days ago I got a free ride from Lyft and I used it to go into the woods to go for a hike. On the way there I encouraged the driver and I found out we live really close to each other. So I invited him to our game night the day after. He was moved by the invite and came. He had a great time getting to know the other neighbors that came and played his first bingo game. Each guest brought a small silly gift as a prize for the bingo game. So when it was his turn to win he picked one of the prices and it included a fortune cookie. He opened it and everyone asked what it said because he seemed really moved. He didn’t want to share first but then he did. It said today you will find what you were looking for. Then he said he was looking for family and he felt like family with all of us and it was something he wanted for a long time. All of us around the table were moved by it too. And it was a simple invite.

For Thanksgiving, we hosted a big meal at our house and invited our neighbor friends. Many people came and our apartment was full. We had friends from all over the neighborhood and all the different places we are connected to. We also had the full age range as well as all different walks of life from rich to poor. During the dinner time, Jen asked everyone to share about what they are thankful for. The common answer was this moment with people, sitting around this table and talking and spending time together. Someone said it was the first meal at a table with a family since home 3 years ago, another said they would have eaten at a restaurant but his mom convinced him to go and he gave us a hug later with tears in his eyes saying thank you so much. And again it was a simple open home.

We hope those 2 stories inspire you to invite your neighbors over and become friends with them. We all need a place to belong so let us create those places!!

Hey our friend

We hope your week was great!! We got back from our writing trip last week on Tuesday and it was a successful time. God really inspired us during the time. When we got back we had a neighborhood watch meeting and also a wonderful brunch. It was awesome!! We feel so blessed by all of our neighbor friends around us and our heart is to inspire others to love their neighbors too. So let’s do it!! This will also be the last week before our DTS Students leave for Outreach. Please keep them in your prayers!!

Thank you for all your prayers. You guys are a blessing to us!!

Have a wonderful week!!

Markus and Jen

Love your Neighbor God takes care of us through community!

Love your neighborGod takes care of us through communityHow did your encouragement time go during the last week? We hope great!! This week we want to write about how God takes care of us through community

From the beginning of the bible to the end we see how much God saw that need for community. It started with Adam and him being alone. Then God made Eve so Adam had a community and a helper to support each other. When we look at Jesus and his disciples we notice how they took care of each other. Each one of them had a role and through fulfilling that role everyone was helped as well. It made them able to function as a community and made them able to do all the things they were doing. You see that later on in Acts as well. The early church shared everything with each other and through that people thrived.

Jen and I have been in YWAM for a long time and every month God took care of us, and how did He do it? He did it through a community of people. Each one of them has a part in helping us to walk out what God called us to do. So God doesn’t just let money rain down from heaven, no he uses community to take care of us. The same is true for a job. It doesn’t matter if you run the business or if you are a worker in it. Whatever you do you need people to buy what you make and you also you need people that work together with you to make the thing happen. Again God is providing work through a community of people.

What about our neighbors? Again God wants to take care of them too through community. That is why Jesus said that the second greatest job is to love your neighbor as you love yourself. So God is calling us to be in community with our neighbors. He wants to take care of them through us. We are His hand and feet that bring change. So when we love our neighbor all those things are put in Action and change their lives and our lives. And then another thing happens, our neighbor starts loving us back and then we have a community.

  1. So what is God Asking of you?
  2. Who does he want to take care of through you and bring community?

Ask Him this week to show you how he took care of you through different communities and how he is using you to do the same!!

Hey our friend

We hope you had an amazing week!! We are still on our writing trip. We are getting back this Tuesday night. This coming Sunday we start teaching a 5 week class at our church to empower and encourage people to love there neighbors too. Please keep us in your prayers for this class as well pray for a good attendance.

Let 2017 be year were we all start loving our neighbors in a deeper way and in return being loved back by them!!

Have a wonderful week!!

Markus and Jen

Love your Neighbor – Share an encouragement

Love your neighbor bring encouragmentSo how did being positive go for you? Did it change your attitude?

This week we want to write about the need for encouragement. Encouragement is something simple but can really change the outlook for people too. Again looking at Jesus we see many times how His encouragement really changed people. Last week we share about the encouragement for Peter but that was only one of them. Jesus encouraged people by breaking down walls, just think about the tax collector. A man that was not loved in that society, but he came to his house, which was a huge encouragement for that man, so much so that he totally changed his life.

So when you speak a word of encouragement to someone or do an action that is encouraging you can change people’s outlook on their day, week, or even life. Encouragement brings courage! I experienced so many times that just by caring and acknowledging a person they would feel encouraged and uplifted. Its not hard. Just think about your neighbors. What about if you encourage them in something they do really well! Maybe there yard or some art they did or even just a little act of kindness you saw them doing.

  1. Start encouraging someone in your family.
  2. Then encourage a neighbor through something little.

Hey our friend

We hope you had a good week!! We are on a writing trip right now in Seattle to work on the book. We are excited to move forward with this project. During the last week we had a great celebration of Saint Patricks day which is a big event in San Francisco. Many times it is used for heavy drinking but not really in remembrance of this amazing man who lived forgiveness very practical by going back to the people that once enslaved them and bringing the gospel and hope to them. Here is a link that shares a little bit about him. Be inspired by him!

Have a wonderful week!!

Markus and Jen

Love your Neighbor – Be positive

Love your neighbor Be postiveWhere you able to start some conversations last week to move towards friendship? Trust us you will be blessed through it!!

Jesus was amazing in the area of positivity. He always saw the positive for people and in people. When he told Peter that he will be the Rock that he will build his church on I’m sure Peter wasn’t that convinced about it.  He just failed Jesus big time and I don’t think he could believe that something so positive could come out of his life. But Jesus insisted and when we look back he builds his church on Peter.

All of us are always bombarded with the negative of the world and also the things that we are not good at. It’s very easy that those things can bring us down. But in the same way, the opposite is true as well.  When we speak positively it can lift people up. You see it with Peter and how the truth changed him. So when you have a conversation with a neighbor and it involves a lot of negativity about life, share something uplifting and positive. It is amazing how a little thing can change the outlook for the rest of the day. It can be something little as I am so thankful for the sunshine.

How to get started:

  1. Fast from negativity. For 1 week let everything you say positive and uplifting.
  2. See how your attitude towards life is changing.
  3. Share something positive with your neighbors or coworkers. It can be anything that is uplifting to you.

Hey our friend

We had a wonderful week here in San Francisco. We had our North beach small group and had many people come over for dinners. Again those things really bring deeper relationship and you get to know each other so much better. I (Markus) also had a board meeting this week where I serve on the finance committee.  It’s encouraging to see how God is using the gifting’s he placed in us. What gifting’s did He place in you? When you know them you can see more how God is using you! I love how Peter talks in 1. Peter 4.11 to use the giftings God has given us to bring Glory to Him. Let us keep doing that!!

Remember this week that you are amazingly gifted and talented!

May God bless you

Markus and Jen