How can Jesus shine through you? Part 5 Forgiveness

So over the last 5 weeks we talked about how important it is that people see more of how good God is through us, His Body on Earth. Through the way we show patience, kindness, generosity, love and… this week forgiveness.

How can Jesus shine through you Part 5 ForgivenessIt amazes me how the prodigal son comes home, tells the father how he sinned and wasn’t worthy to be a son anymore. The fathers response is a big hug and telling everyone how his son who was dead returned and is alive. There wasn’t even an instance of saying I told you so. No the father totally forgave him and didn’t look at the past. You should think that after all the humiliation he faced through that he would at least hold on to some offense. But no nothing, he totally forgave the son and established him back into the family. Jesus showed us that really clearly as well at the end of His life at the cross. He asked God to forgive the people that put him there. There was no hesitation and he did not keep offense, no he just forgave them. That is powerful. We also see again that it was undeserved, like many of the other things we talked about in the last week.

I understand, it is sometimes not easy to do that and it is very easy to get offended. But offense and un-forgiveness is not portraying a loving father and a father who wants to reconcile. Offense and un-forgiveness is also affecting our lives in a negative way too. So since we are his representatives we have to do it for the sake of others and for the sake of us. So let’s get started. Let’s ask God to show us people in our life we hold offense to and people we haven’t forgiven. Then let’s take steps to forgive them. A book that gave me a deeper understanding of the need to let offense go and forgive is called The bait of Satan by John Bevere. You can click on this link to find it.

So let’s show the goodness of God by forgiving people.

Hey our friend

February is in full swing. Last week we relaunched our small group in the New Year since we were gone for the January one. We also had our bi yearly bay area meeting to evaluate the different works in the bay area. It was as usual encouraging. How is your February going? How is God partnering with you to show his love to people in your surroundings? Remember that you can and are making a difference where you live!!

So don’t forget this week to ask God who you have to forgive and if there is offense that you have to release to Him!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

How can Jesus shine through you? Part 4 Love

So how were you able to be generous last week? Im sure God gave you opportunities for it! You can be sure that you changed something in this world!!

How can Jesus shine through you Part 4 LoveOne of the key things during the story of the prodigal son is love. The father choose to love his son and it cost him a lot. Love is not a fluffy feeling, it is a choice. When you look at the definition in 1. Corinthians 13 you find out that love is a lot of action and again its not out of being deserved, its out of love. And that father showed so much love. He gave up his honor, his money, some of his status and many more things just because he loved his son so much. When he finally came home he showed his love in an action by running up to him and ending up in a big hug and again it was undeserved. Jesus did the same thing during his life. He even said that the greatest love is to lay down our lives for a friend and he did that. But not just that, he showed love to prostitutes, tax collectors and many others. He even showed love to a dead man (Lazarus) by bringing him back to life. He never choose his action by the response of people or if its deserved, no he choose it always by the meaning of love. I don’t know if you have seen the movie wonder woman, but in one of the scenes the evil one tells her about all the bad things humans did and why they deserve to die. Her response to that was Its not about what they deserve, its about what I believe and I believe in love! That is the gospel in action and love is the gospel in action.

So again how can we apply this to our daily life. Loving someone always cost us something. So showing love to someone that deserves it is easy, but we need to show love to someone that does in our eyes not deserve it. So maybe share a loving word or do something nice for somebody at work or in your neighborhood that is not considered a nice person. Love on people that might not have the same opinion then you do and might not replicate it. Loving someone unlovable or undeserved  is hard, but when you do it changes them and you and you get to experience more of the love of God for yourself.

Hey our friend

Its already February. The year goes by fast! We had a wonderful brunch again and a great Haeusser hangout. It so great to see how more and more community exists. Its also great to see how people start seeing the need for community more and more. Please keep prainyg with us for here and other places that people are inspired to create community and love on the people around them. It will benefit everyone. Lets change this world by loving our neighbor and with that doing what Jesus called us to do!

Remember this week “Its not about what they deserve, its about what I believe and I believe in love!” So lets let God love his children through us!!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

How can Jesus shine through you? Part 3 Generosity

Kindness was the topic of last week and of course I will ask you how it encouraged and challenged you to grow in that area. I feel like there is always room to grow when we compare ourselves to Jesus and the Father in the prodigal son story!

How can Jesus shine through you Part 3 GenerosityWhen we see the father of the prodigal son again we see generosity. First of all he gives the son an inheritance he does not deserve. Then when the son comes back he gives him an expensive robe and a ring and he throws a big party for him. That is again generosity undeserved. We see the same in the life of Jesus. He is generous with his gifts. If it was in healing people, or by bringing new hope through an uplifting word he was always generous. Or remember the story of how he feed the huge crowds with fish and bread, that is also pretty generous. He also was generous with his time by investing in people one and one. And then with giving his life he showed the greatest generosity of all to give all of us the opportunity for undeserved eternal life. Its amazing the generosity he showed.

So how can each one of us do that every day.  First of all we need to understand that generosity is not just when it comes to our wallet. Its in every part of our life time etc.  So we could start by being generous with our time by helping someone across the street when they need it. Maybe help someone to get the groceries in the car at the store. Buy a coworker lunch or just bring an extra lunch to share with someone. Be a listening ear to someone who lost someone. Maybe give an extra tip to the waiter or buy someone a coffee in the line behind you. Give towards a worthy cause in your community and be the first one who helps someone if they need help. These are just a few examples of how to do it, but you just have to apply it to your situation! So 1.2.3 and GO!!!

 Hey our friend

How was your week? We are back! Our time in Jamaica went well! Many people got encouraged and empowered. When we got back we had a bay area ywam meeting with the leaders of all the other bay area ministries. It was really encouraging but also a bit sad since 2 of our really good friends are leaving. Pray for them in the transition process while they get ready for further oversee missions in the future. All our normal events went well too. It’s a blessing to see everyone again.

So don’t forget 1.2.3. Generosity!!!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

How can Jesus shine through you? Part 2 Kindness

Last week we talked about Patience and how its so important for others to see in our life. How did it go? Did you feel an improvement and did you have the opportunity to be more patient?

How can Jesus shine through you Part 2 KindnessToday we want to write about Kindness. What always struck me about the Father in the Prodigal son story is his kindness. He showed kindness after the son asked for his inheritance early. That was a very dishonoring thing in that time, because it was pretty much saying you are dead to me. But the father didn’t respond with hate or anything, no he showed kindness. He did not agree with the decision the son made, but again he showed kindness. It even shows till the end when the son comes home. The Father never says anything about his bad decision; no he runs towards him, wraps his arms around him and puts an expensive coat on him and the family ring on the finger to establish him back. After all the son did, the father never gave what was deserved, no he always gave kindness.  During the life of Jesus we see the same thing. He always showed kindness to people that nobody would treat kindly, think about the lepers. These were people that were rejected by society; the only way they could make a living was through begging. But Jesus doesn’t walk away or ignore them; no he shows kindness and brings healing. Or think about the children that came to Jesus. Children didn’t have a very important position in society and were more seen as an annoyance. But Jesus said let them come to me! He extended Kindness.

So now it comes back to us. Since we represent Jesus in this world, how would that look for us? It might be showing kindness by visiting elderly homes or hospitals. Maybe it could be showing kindness to people in our community that need a helping hand. Or it might be extended kindness to the cashier at the supermarket that might not be fast enough. It can look many ways but when we do it it will change people and the world along with it! And again remember kindness is not based on how the other person deserves it. So lets work on our kindness!!

Hey our friend

How was your week. We are still in Jamaica teaching but we are coming back on Tuesday. Please keep us in your Prayers that God will use our words so people feel inspired and more hopeful through the teachings. Please pray for our transition back which will be a bit of a culture shock.

Remember to keep working on your kindness towards others!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

How can Jesus shine through you? Part 1 Patience

How can Jesus shine through you Part 1 PatienceLast week we had a video of the father in the prodigal son story and how it was so important that the son knew that the father is good to actually come home. We want to write some more about that Father and also some of the character trades Jesus had and we need in our life. To make a difference in the world, the world has to see Jesus in the way we live our lives!

So today we want to start of with Patience. When you look at the father in the story you notice that he never put pressure on the son, no he was patiently waiting for him. He never gave up on Him, which shows really clear at the end when he sees him. But he was patient even while knowing the son just blew everything he gave him. Even knowing the son made a huge mistake. He stayed patient. We find the same in the life of Jesus. One example is Peter: Jesus was patient with him even after he failed a few times. He never walked away from him or gave up on him. No he always stayed with him.

So how does patience look like for us in our everyday life? It could look like a person that annoys us at work, but we choose still to be patient with him or her and not get angry at them. It could look like someone who doesn’t seem to ever make it but we stay patient and help again and again. It could be a child in our youth group that just always causes trouble, but we can still be patient. The most powerful testimony we can give of Gods patience is by living it. So lets start this week to increase our patience for others!!

 Hey our friend

We hope you had a great week. We are still in Jamaica teaching. Please keep us in your Prayers that God will use our words so people feel inspired and more hopeful through the teachings. Also keep praying for our beautiful city San Francisco. Pray that people can experience the love of God in a new way through Christians that live in the city.

Now have a wonderful week and remember to keep working on your patience for others!

Markus and Jen