Author Archives: Markus

You can do it!!

yiu can do itRecently Jen and I watched the new Will Smith movie Concussion. The film was about head injuries of football players in the NBA and how a doctor fights for the truth. The doctor is a man from Nigeria and he worked hard to get all his degrees. His job now is to examine people who died. When he does that he finds out that football players that died often had the same kind of problem in there brain. He does research for which he pays from his own money and through the research he knows that he is right. The injuries came from a continuous hitting of their heads. Since the NFL is a huge organization they try to shut him down, but he did not give up because he wants to do what is right. He keeps fighting for the truth even if it meant for him to be sent back to Nigeria.

One thing that really spoke to me was the fact that he put everything on the line to do what’s right. He did not quit or back down till the truth came out. And when the truth came out he did not even look for a benefit for himself, he just wanted the truth and the right thing to be done.

It is a great parable for our lives as well. There will be days when we face things where we know what’s right, but it will cost us something to do the right thing. Many times in life it is easier to just choose the easy way, but this is not what Jesus called us to. He told us that it will be hard and that it will create challenges, but it is worthy in the end. So if you have opposition in your life, don’t quit. Keep moving forward. Let God guide you how and make a difference. We are called to make disciples and bring the good news to everyone we know, so lets do it and remember:


Hey our friend

Birthday Geburtstag 2016I hope your week was as good as mine! I (Markus) had a great birthday celebration last week. It was a so much fun we went hiking for 2 hours and then celebrated with 2 friends. Each one shared something special they saw in me. I felt so encouraged after this time. I want to encourage all of us to tell people around us what we love about them. You will see how it lifts them up.

Thank you for all your prayers for our 81 year old friend who faces eviction. As of this point there is nothing new to write so lets keep praying!!

Remember opposition is not bad, it will strengthen your muscle!!

Have a great week!
Markus and Jen

A cure for loneliness and isolation Part 2 Memories

A cure for loneliness part 2Going through high school I experienced bullying in my life. It was a hard season and it created bad memories. But if you don’t deal with bad memories with people, you give them the power to isolate yourself from people and to believe something that is not true.  They start shaping the way you make decisions and they start shaping how you see people and lead to isolation. I guarantee you that there are many people around that experience isolation because of memories of bad experiences in the past.

If you are on the side of the memory one thing you have to start doing is to forgive and move on. You have to let go of the hurt and the pain and give it up to God. That is the key way of seeing change come. Next you need to make a step out of your bubble and start to talk to people around. Yes I said it before, you might have some bad experiences but you will not be able to find true community if you don’t go out there. So try today and connect with someone

But what about if you are on the other side and you have people around you that isolate themselves? One of the key things is to show that you are a trustworthy person. I remember many people that I met over the years that first were hesitant to talk and build relationship, but over time they started opening up and trust was established.  But it takes time. They might watch you on how you interact with others and how you react to others and based on that might be open for trust. When they see good things they start to replace the bad memories. So we need to be real and extra loving with people around us.

Lets all do our part to break loneliness and isolation!!

Hey our friend

20160716_200444Wow God is awesome. This week we were randomly able to encourage a group of young people in the coffee shop with what we are doing in North Beach. He literally brought them to us in the coffee shop. We also could celebrate this week with our friends Tim and Karol since they got the key to there apartment which they were able to buy for 30% of the value. God is so good!! We want to encourage you this week to remember moments of Gods goodness in your life. Those times are great reminders when we face uncertainty and challenge especially with all the thingredients goIng on in the world around us.

Also please pray with us for the families of the victims in Munich germany. Pray for God’s peace and comfort in this time of grief. Also  keep  praying for favor for our 81 year old friend who faces eviction. Pray for Gods favor for him to find an apartment that he can afford (the average one bedroom goes for 3500 dollars and studios are on average 2500 dollars).

Remember to shine his light into this world by showing Him through the way we live our lives.

Have a great week!
Markus and Jen

Star Wars or how to let His love shine in a sincere way

We weren’t aloof with you. We took you just as you were. We were never patronizing, never condescending, but we cared for you the way a mother cares for her children. We loved you dearly. Not content to just pass on the Message, we wanted to give you our hearts. And we did.
1. Thessalonians 2.7-8 The Message

star warsYesterday we met with a girl who is part of a missions group who came to San Francisco to learn about the city. As we were sharing our hearts the verse above came up and the significance of how we live as Christians. When Paul shared these words with the Thessalonians he was sincere. He and all of his friends truly loved them and didn’t just want to pass on the things they had to say, no they really wanted relationship. They really cared about the people.

Star WarsI believe that is the key of bringing the full gospel to people. We can’t just come in share and go, no we have to be there so people can see our faith in action. We have to go in with a heart that really cares and never gives up even if it seems hopeless. Recently we watched Star Wars and the scene were Luke tells his father Darth Vader that He sees the good in him. He did not give up on the good even if it would cost him his life and his father saw that, which then lead him to destroy the evil one. But again he saw the good in his son, his attitude of never giving up and that brought him to a place of change. People need to see that love in our life that never gives up, always believes the best from the famous chapter in 1. Corinthians 13.

Each one of us is called to the people around them, remember love your neighbor! So let us do that, but not just to our church family but also our neighbors and the people we get in touch with!

  1. Ask God to give you a love for the neighbors and people you get in touch with. Let him show you the way He sees them.
  2. Show your faith in Action, and if you need some tips how read the Blog series on this topic by clicking on this link. You can always go to the next one by clicking on the bottom of each blog on the link for the next one.

Hey our friend

We had a wonderful German night at our house this week and it was amazing. It is always so nice speaking your mother tongue and also hear your wife learn how to speak it too. We also prayer walked our neighborhood with a friend. I feel every time we do that we get a deeper understanding of Gods heart but also see more of the need. It can be hard to see the need with your eyes in a middle upper class neighborhood, but it is there as much as in a poor neighborhood it just looks different. Gods heart for His children there is the same as anywhere else.

Thank you for keep praying with us for a friend from the neighborhood who faces eviction from his apartment. He is 81 years old and it will be a challenge for him to find a new place, but pray for Gods favor for him to find an apartment that he can afford (the average one bedroom goes for 3500 dollars and studios are on average 2500 dollars).

Ask God this week to give you a love like in 1. Corinthians 13 for the neighbors around you and people you get in touch with!

Have a great week!
Markus and Jen

A cure for loneliness and isolation

Blog text writingCarl is an older man who lived in one of the many apartment buildings in North beach for 40 years. He moved to the city to pursue his career. By doing that he also cut off most of his old relationships since they lived far away. Over the years success came and his business took off, but it also took a toll on his relationships. He was not able to build any friendships since his whole life was consumed by work. The only ones he knew was people from the bar he frequently visited. But then a sickness came, which bound him to his apartment. With that a loneliness and isolation sneaked into his life which took more and more over. When he read an add we put on craigslist about meeting up and finding friends, he was the one who came to the coffee shop and connected with us. Out of that a wonderful friendship was established.

This is just one story of a person that was caught in loneliness and isolation. Recently a friend tagged me on Facebook with an article which I read and it talked about Canada and how they started calling loneliness and isolation an epidemic since it affected 6 million people (if you want to read the article click on this link). But what can be the cure for that? The cure lays in each one of us. Either way we need to be a community for people or we need to find a community to fit in. Both take an action.

When you look at the story above you see how the man reached out and took a step towards finding a community. So if you are struggling with having a community or friends you have to take a step. Yes I understand it can be scary and nerve wracking, but it is so worthied. It will transform your life. Yes you might run into people that might not become friends and might be mean, but you will also run into wonderful people that become friends for life. Start to go up to people and talk to them. Host a game night or some other event at your house and invite neighbors.

And for the ones who don’t feel lonely or isolated be a family to people around you. Meet your neighbors and love on them. Invite them into your home and invest in a friendship with them. In Psalm 68.6 it says: God places the lonely into families. But who are the families? We are the families, so lets be open for the people, lets have our hearts open for neighbors and for the community to come in.

The cure is there, but the change can only come if each one of us starts to do their part!

If you want to know how to start read our Blog series Love your neighbor by clicking on this link. You can always go to the next one by clicking on the bottom of each blog on the link for the next one.

Hey our friend

Hightlights of our weekSummer arrived in San Francisco and with that I mean winter temperatures! Jen already pulled out her winter sweater! Monday we still had great weather for our 4th of July barbecue. It was a lot of fun and our apartment was packed to the max with 16 neighbors and friends from the coffee shop. Each one had a part in it through contributing food or something to drink. It was awesome. Then I was able to meet with a Pastor about what we do and how he can encourage his convergation to invest in their community and become friends with their neighbors. Its awesome how God opens more and more doors in this season. Please stand with us in Prayer for a friend from the neighborhood who faces eviction from his apartment. He is 81 years old and it will be a challenge for him to find a new place, but pray for Gods favor for him to find an apartment that he can afford (the average one bedroom goes for 3500 dollars and studios are on average 2500 dollars).

Remember you have the cure in your hands to fight loneliness and isolation now its up to you to use it!!

Have a great week!

Markus and Jen

Run on His strength and help others to do that too

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! Philippians 4.13

Run on his strengthWhen I read this verse I feel inspired. Paul a man who wrote half of the new testament, a man who pushed a mission movement forward that changed the world, a man who went through really hard seasons and persecution  and didn’t give up tells us how he was able to do it. It was not on his own strength, but it was in the strength of Christ that he was able to succeed. He never walked through life alone, but he put his trust in Jesus. How did he do it? He realized that if he trusts just in his own abilities he would never been able to fulfill the great things God has planned for his life.

After he had an encounter with Jesus on the Road to Damascus it flipped his life upside down. Many would say it was this moment that transformed his life and made him state that he can do all things through him. I think it was this moment, but more important all the moments that followed after when he felt the body of Christ around him encouraging him and helping him, the man who used to be there enemy. I think that is what made that encounter with Jesus even more real, when he saw how Jesus power helped people that he was out to kill, to help him and accept him as one of their own.

I believe that this is a key for believers and new believers to trust that they can do all things through Christ, when they had an encounter with Jesus and then see how Christ works through others and when they start to encourage them that they can do it too!

I want to challenge us today to really believe what Paul is saying: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! But not just believe it, but live with that knowledge and walk it out. And when we do that encourage others along the way with the things God did through us and how He can do things through them as well!

Hey our friend

Wow what a week here in San Francisco. We had  a wonderful brunch with neighbors. We also had a great time at our encouragement group. It’s a wonderful community that we started 2 years ago and which meets once a week and brings hope to the people that come. I’m amazed how much courage it brings to people that come. If you would like to know more on how the group works and how you can start one, email us!

Remember this week to run on his strength and not your own and help others to do that too.

Have a great week!
Markus and Jen