Author Archives: Markus

Seek peace and pursue it

… seek peace and pursue it. Psalm 34.14

What a perfect verse was chosen in the German church as the verse for the year 2019. Seeking peace and also pursuing it is so focused on an action of each one of us. A little while ago we heard a speaker share about how he seeks peace between Israeli and Palestinians and how much breakthrough he has seen over the years. But it took an action on his side to bring people together and to keep pursuing peace between them. He didn’t start through politics or a big media engagement, no he just brought youth from both sides together to meet and start understanding each other. Did it bring total peace for everyone yet? No but the people he brought together understand each other now and are connected through a friendship and started to reconcile.

So it always takes an action from us. We can’t wait for politicians or leaders to make the first step. We have to start doing it. We are the ones who can bring reconciliation through the love of Jesus, not just once but on a regular basis. We can change our neighborhoods by seeking peace but then also pursuing it. I think sometimes we approach a situation and want to bring peace between 2 people, but then it doesn’t happen and then we give up. But we need to keep pursuing it. The speaker I mentioned earlier is working on it for many many years sometimes with little results. But he keeps pursuing it.

Lets print out this verse and put it somewhere where we see it first thing in the morning and then at the end of the day so we are reminded about it. And then let us let 2019 be a year were we carry actively and consistent reconciliation and peace into our neighborhoods, homes and work places. Have a blessed new year!!!

Hey our friend

2018 was a year with many ups and downs for us and many others. It was a year, were we saw God move in so many areas in our lives as well as ministry. Thank you God for 2018 and that we could partner with you. Take some time to reflect on your 2018 and ask God to show you how He was with you in all of it. It is such a great way to start a new year. With that we wish you a blessed new year 2019. May you have a wonderful start and may it get even better as it goes forward. Remember that you are amazing and loved!!

Also don’t forget to seek peace and pursue it.

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Freedom for relationship

Hey our friend

First of all we want to wish you a merry and blessed Christmas!! We had a wonderful last week before Christmas and are excited for our Christmas celebration with our neighbor friends. Every year for Christmas Eve or Christmas day we celebrate Christmas with a nice dinner with neighbors and others from the neighborhood. It’s an equal blessing for the ones who come and for us. God wants to bring community through each one of us. May your family grow by adding neighbors to it. A blessing for you and for them!

May this Christmas time be a time of refreshment and deeper relationship with family and Father God. Be richly blessed!!

Markus and Jen

On the bottom of the ocean

We hope this weeks blog brings you a deeper freedom. The 2 scriptures we mention are Micah 7.19 and Psalm103.12 so you can read them!

Hey our friend

We are already close to Christmas and we hope that you enjoy this pre-Christmas season!! We are busy with all of our normal things going on and then Christmas celebrations and preparation for Christmas. It’s a wonderful season and also a great time to talk about our faith since we all know that the foundations of Christmas lay in what we believe. We want to encourage you too, to use this opportunity to share why Christmas is important to you. Let the Holy spirit lead you when you share so that you have the right words that makes sense for each one you talk to. Every person understands a little bit different since all of us are different. Get started!!

Don’t forget the words from this weeks video blog, you are free!! Don’t forget to share these good news with others that don’t know Jesus yet so that they also can be free when they find Him!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

The dream of instant gratification

The more easily you get to wealth, the less good it will do you. Proverbs 20.21 (GNB)

San Francisco and the bay area are a place where many people try to find quick riches. That is not a new thing. Long time ago we had the Gold rush, were people from all over left everything behind to come because they were hoping for an instant gratification and riches. That rush for instant riches stayed in the bay area to this day. People tried it through the .com boom in the late 90s and today through the whole startup world. Yes there were people that made it quickly, but many times with the riches came big problems. People didn’t know how to deal with all the money and spend it on things that were just bad for them. But so often we long for that instant gratification and that easy way of getting to it. But if we miss the process it is often bad for us. Another example is lottery winners. Many of them end up broke and worse off than they were before since they were not ready for the instant gratification.

Lets look at David and his life. David was young when he was promised to be king. But then it took many years of being under the current King, persecuted by the King and living in the land of the enemy. He definitely didn’t have an instant gratification. But in all those years he learned perseverance, grace and many other things that he needed to be a good King. So when he became King he was ready and he was ready to lead well. You see a bad example of that in the story of the prodigal son. He asked his father for his inheritance and he got his instant gratification. But he was not prepared on how to spend the money or how to deal with it, so in a short amount of time he spend it all and all his riches were gone. 2 very different examples but they show the point well.  So it is very important to walk out the process whatever we do in life. God wants to teach us something along the way so we are ready when we hit the next level.

Why do we share all this with you? Because it is a very important for loving our neighbor and build deep friendships. When we invest in relationships with our neighbor we don’t get an instant gratification. It takes a long time to get connected and to go deeper with each other. But those long-term friendships are the ones that last and are deep. If you have a friendship with someone for many many years a little disagreement won’t break it.

We want to encourage you in this Christmas season to build lasting and long-term relationships like the one the father wants to have with us. Ones that don’t have instant gratification, but have long-term depth. You will see how much it will bless your life!!!

Hey our friend

We hope you had an amazing week! Christmas is approaching fast!! Don’t forget to involve your neighbors into this time!! We had so many Christmas related things going on in the last week and were so blessed through them. We had a neighborhood Christmas party, a ywam fundraiser Christmas party and all our normal weekly things. We also had a baking time to bake some wonderful Christmas treat for our beloved neighbors, and give them a Christmas card. Many have been blessed through it including us. Its so simple but makes such a huge difference and shows that you love people. You can do that too!!!

So don’t forget its not about instant gratification, but its about the process in life and relationships!


Have a blessed week!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Live for something greater then yourself

This is one more blog that I recorded in Barcelona. It was as well at the Olympic Park but this time at the European Square. This blog is about how living for something greater than just ourselves. May it inspire you!!

Hey our friend

We cant believe that last Sunday we already celebrated the 1st Advent which means we have only a few more weeks till Christmas. We are getting ready for that time of the year with Christmas celebrations, writing cards and baking for our wonderful neighbor friends and ending the season with a Christmas meal on the 24th. It is also a time of reflecting on what Christmas means to us personally and share it with others. Its such a wonderful time celebrating the days leading up to Jesus birthday! We are excited!! So what are your plans for this season? How are getting ready for the celebration of Jesus birthday? Make sure to invite others (neighbors) in for your celebration so they can be blessed through the good news of Christmas!!

Have a blessed week!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen