Author Archives: Markus

How to fill your compassion tank like Jesus

Todays blog is about compassion and how we can make sure to not run out of it! Be encouraged and inspired!!

Hi our friend

During the last week Jen and I had many wonderful moments here in SF. We got to practice our messages for the upcoming retreat on Friday. We are excited for this time! We also got to host a group of new YWAM friends to share about love your neighbor and encourage them in their journey of planting a new work in their town. And then we got to worship together a the Sound with other believers from different churches in the middle of Golden Gate park. What a week of so many wonderful moments. How was your week? What have you been up to?

Also remember to spend time with God in the quiet place to have your love and compassion tank refilled!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Stories to think about – Lazarus! Come out!

Stories to think about – Lazarus! Come out!
Our story today is about a man name Lazarus and him coming out. Be inspired and encouraged!

Hi our friend

How was your week?

Most mornings Jen and I both do some kind of exercise. Somedays it might be running around the block or being on the exercise bike (which we got for free from someone moving away) on our deck. By just doing that we get in touch with so many neighbors on a daily basis in a natural way. We sometimes just say hello, other times we end up in a deep conversation and other times we get to pray for someone. These opportunities open up just by us doing something good for our bodies.  The great thing is you can do that too! Do something good for your body and get to know your neighbors!

Also, don’t forget to ask God for the bigger picture, mourn with the ones who mourn and pray prayers with faith to happen!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Here is the Love your neighbor monthly tip – Borrow or Barter

Why is it important?

When Jesus called us to love our neighbor, he gave us a task that is possible for each one of us and is also a blessing for each one of us. Many people around us might feel isolated or don’t feel a sense of belonging (maybe including us), and each one of us can bring change to that. You will see how loving your neighbor will change those things and also the relationships but also how it will give you a greater love for the people around you. It will leave a great impact and it builds a strong and lasting community for your neighbors and you as well to just name a few things. When I think back to last year and how the pandemic affected everyone around the world we saw more and more 1. the need of bringing God’s love to our local places and 2. How important it is to be connected with our neighbors. We got reminded of the call from Jesus also because our neighborhoods were the only places we could go to. So let’s all do this together starting today to take Jesus seriously and love our neighbor. We will give you a monthly tip with how to establish that relationship and love your neighbors in a practical way and then we will all put it into action with the neighbors right around us.  And then watch how over time your neighborhood will change! You, me, and all of us can do it so let’s do it!!

Our tip for this month is Borrow or Barter! Watch the video with some tips on that!

Hi our friend

How are you?

We hope you had a wonderful week!! During the last week we had our annual YWAM Staff Retreat which was wonderful in so many ways. Having extra time in nature with Jesus and with our ywam family was so refreshing. It was also so great to hear updates from each ministry and also learn together. Caleb also had a wonderful time playing with all the kids. All of us came back so refreshed. What a wonderful time which went by way too fast!

Also remember that old school is hip again and builds community so borrow and barter this month with your neighbors!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Create a space where community can naturally happen

This week we talk about how you can create a space where community can happen. Be inspired and encouraged!

Hello friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!!

Visitors are so special. This week a friend from my (Markus) DTS came to visit from Sweden and another from 1 hour away. We had a small 20-year reunion together and through sharing with each other wonderful memories came back to mind. It is crazy to think that it has been over 20 years since I did my DTS. When I look back at those 20 years I see so much of Gods faithfulness in our life. With that said I want to encourage you to look back at your life and see Gods faithfulness there!!

Also dont forget to spend some time to think and pray about how you can create a place for community and then get started on it!

Have a blessed week

Markus, Jen and Caleb

To know him or to know of him

This weeks blog is about the difference of knowing God and knowing off him. Be inspired

Hello friend

We hope you had a wonderful week

We hope you had a fantastic week!! I love those little divine encounters that God opend up for Jen and me during the week. Just through being there and doing our usual things God gave us the opportunity to encourage multiple people. All we needed to do was being aware of the people around us. And at the end both of us felt encouraged ourselves through those times. We want to encourage you to be open to let God use you to bring hope to others in your everyday life!

Also spend some time to think and pray about where you are at and how to move forward from knowing off Him to knowing Him

Have a blessed week

Markus, Jen and Caleb