Hey friend
We hope you had an amazing week. Ours was wonderful. We could take a part in a book release in our neighborhood and through that connect with more people in the neighborhood. We also did our Prayer time in the Park. Every Tuesday we pray over the park in our neighborhood and invite Gods presence which encourages and brings transformation into the lives of people. Do the same and pray over local parks and Playgrounds in your area and invite God to bring transformation.
Loving Him and receiving His love brings truth
When you look at different race drivers you notice that the main goal in their life is to win. They are almost addicted to winning. Some drivers literally need to prove every race, that they are the best, otherwise they don’t feel being good enough. This feeling of having to proof something and not being good enough translates into many other areas as well, not just racing. It can be business or friendship or pretty much every area of our life. But where does that come from? I think there are different roots to this issue like people not being affirmed by their parents in who they are.
But many times that issue is connected to a deep believe of being not good enough. Many times people try to proof that they are good enough by showing it with their success. But the truth is we will never be able to satisfy this feeling in us. If you look at the most highly successful people, they are still not satisfied; they are still striving for more to bring that proof.
The only way to deal with this issue is to start believing that we are truly loved not because of what we do just because of who we are. God is the only one that can bring a total satisfaction in that area. But how do we get to a place in our life that we can have that?
We have to be desperate for God and make Him the number 1 priority in our life. How does that look like?
First we need to set your priorities right. As an example if you have only a few minutes of time set aside per day, to spend time with God, you need to change that. Your relationship with Him is the most important thing in your life.
Second we need to wait for Him. When you look at the Psalm writers and how often they talked about on waiting for God you see the importance in it. Are you willing to wait for Him till you fall deeply in love with Him? It is important to wait. I believe in waiting we are showing God that we truly care about Him. If you are going on a date with your significant other, you would be willing to wait for them even If it takes time and the reason is because you love them. This is not about God playing with you; this is God seeing how desperately you really want Him.
Third spend time in His presence. When you are waiting for Him and you start feeling His love, spend time. His love will transform you. You will get a deeper understanding and knowledge of the fact that you are loved but you also will fall deeper in love with Him. As more you fall in love with Him, as more your value system will change.
As more you love Him as higher you start putting Him on your priority list.
I know that all of this can be a challenge since time is one of our most valuable things in today’s time. But I promise you that it will be worthied. Use this time of lent to focus on the love God has brought to you by sacrificing His son and make Him your number 1 priority.
Your friends
Markus and Jen