Author Archives: Markus

Adoption The Ultimate proof of Love

Hey our friend

Ronda visitWe hope you had an opportunity this week to think about easter and the meaning of it. It’s a time of saying Thank you to our amazing father for choosing to save us and adopt us back into his family. It’s the ultimate proof of love. We wish you a blessed Easter time.

We also had one of our wonderful friends come and visit us on her way home. We felt so blessed to see half of the Kimm family 🙂

Adoption The Ultimate proof of Love

I have many friends who got adopted when they were little children.  A couple adopted them because they choose that specific child. It is interesting, that adopted children often see themselves as second class children. I think sometimes the reason is the thinking that they are not good enough because they feel that their birth parents didn’t want them. But the truth is actually quite different. Adoption is actually a picture of true love.

Think about this: When you adopt someone you actually make a choice for that person. You are actually saying I really want this child. Often with birth parents it is not exactly like that. We hear many times about unwanted pregnancies. Another point is that parents that adopt have to go through a really long process to get the child which involves many sacrifices on their side, like time and money. But they are willing to make those because they love that child. These are just 2 points but I’m sure there are many more.

Adoption is also a beautiful picture of what God did for us. He adopted us as His children and He choose us. He made the biggest sacrifice possible this Easter weekend to adopt us back into his house by giving His son. I think this is the ultimate proof of His deep love for each one of us. He adopted us and He always believed and will always believe in us.

Even if not one Person on this planet believes in you, God does!

Remember today that you are amazingly loved.

God bless you

Markus and Jen

How to make decisions Part 3 Choice

Hey our friend

20140402_150321_AndroidWe hope you had a great week. We hold a memorial service for one of our friends from the neighborhood. It was sad but in the same way something to be happy about, because 9 months before he died he gave his life to Jesus. We had 2 of his friends come and share stories about his life to honor him. It is important to honor people, because all of them are children of God. I also believe that it shows people the value that God has for them. Honor doesn’t mean we have to agree with everything they do, but it is a choice to see people the way God made them. We also had a leadership training class with our church on Saturday which was awesome as well. All in all a good week.

How to make decisions Part 3 Choice

So over the last 2 weeks we talked about decisions that are made by listening to God and decisions that are made by circumstances that we cant control. This week I want to conclude the topic with make decisions by choice.

The story that came right away into my mind when I thought about Choices was King Salomon. God literally asked him what he wanted. Salomon had at this moment a choice which literally could give him anything he wanted. But the choice he made was to receive wisdom. He asked for wisdom, because he wanted to lead Gods people well. So his choice wasn’t based on selfish motives, instead it was based on how to serve others.

So we can have similar situations in our life. We have 3 different choices, but we don’t have a clear guidance from God which one to take. Start thinking about the outcome of your decision. First of all ask those questions. Who will benefit from the choice I make? What of the outcomes will serve the Kingdom? How will it affect my life?

As an example if one of your choices is to have a job that keeps you 6 days a week away from your family and the only outcome by you working this job is lots of money, this job might not be the right choice. You might provide for your family things that they don’t really need, but miss out providing things that they need like time with you.

Or it could be a choice between a job that you would really love and you would really make a difference in this world and also gives you time for family, but which would stretch you in your available money, compared to a job that just pays the bills and give you lots of access.

I think those 2 examples illustrate pretty well the point I want to make with this. When you look at a major decision always look at the outcomes it can bring. Always check your motives when you make the decision, and if you prayed about it, they are not just for your own gain, you feel that it would bring Glory to God and you have a peace about it, I would say go for it. Of course sometimes you will see later on that it was maybe the wrong decision, but then again your motives were right. And God looks at the heart.

The most important thing with any decision we make is to bring Gods Kingdom to this earth and bring people closer to Him. If this is what we base our decisions on we live a fruitful life with a purpose.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

How to make decisions Part 2 Decisions guided by circumstances

Hey our friend

IMG_7423Wow an eventful week here in San Francisco went by in the wink of an eye. First we had all our normal events going on in North Beach, but then we had a few out of the ordinary ones as well. On Thursday we had a team of 17 Students from Bethel Church’s Super Natural Ministry School in Redding partner with us in ministry. First we shared with them about our heart for the ministry here and then we went together with them on a Prayer walk and treasure hunt. We love the special anointing God has given that church for revival. It was also amazing to see how many people you can teach in a small space. And on Friday we had a college team from Idaho join us as well for a Prayer walk. On Friday night we had the YWAM community night (if you missed it you can watch the Video Recording at the end of the blog) with a speaker who shared about how to learn about the community you want to influence and to not burn out while you do it. It was great. And Saturday we went to a conference of the same speaker learning some more. If you are interested here is also a link to his newest book which speaks of most of the stuff he talked about.

Thank you for your continuous prayers and financial support for us and the ministry here. God is really moving in mighty ways through them. May he bless you richly for that!

How to make decisions Part 2 Decisions guided by circumstances

Last week we talked about how we have to pray and listen to Gods voice when we make decisions. This week I want to talk a bit about situations where decisions are made for you by circumstances.

Like last week lets look at a story in the bible, Joseph. When you look at his life you notice that most of the decisions in his early years weren’t made by him. He was sold into slavery by his brothers without a choice. He served then at the palace of Potiphar without having a say in that. But in all of that he served really well in his full capacity. He gave the best he could. Even after being accused of things he didn’t do he still served well. It lead him to a place of power in the palace and made him the second most powerful person in whole Egypt. So sometimes decisions are made by circumstances. But the important thing is that we keep having the right attitude in those and keep moving forward. Sometimes the decisions are not up to us, but we have to trust in the process that God can still use them to work for the greater good.

As an example. I have a good friend who has a brother who had a baby with someone. But the brother didn’t take care of the baby instead he is using drugs. So my friend took on the child and took care of it. It was not my friends choice to have a baby, but the circumstances brought him to the place that he just had to help the child. He served in the circumstance to his best capability.

Think about the decisions that were made for you in your life, and then think about how your attitude was in those circumstances. Did you serve to your best ability or did you just do the bare minimum? God can use every circumstance in your life to bring you forward, but you just have to trust Him and serve well.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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How to make Decisions Part 1 Decisions guided by God

Hey our friend

20140321_214006_Android 20140321_185101_AndroidWe hope you had a wonderful week in the Presence of our wonderful Father in Heaven. Its just so awesome doing that. We went to a Fundraiser this week for a ministry that helps women to choose a child instead of abbortion. They help them with diapers and other services after the child is born. They were sharing that San Francisco has about 34.000 pregnancies a year and 18.000 of those are ending up in abbortion. Please pray for those women to choose the life of those children. God loves each one of them dearly. Here is a link so you can find out more about them and how to support the work they are doing!

Our Students are leaving the 7th of April for Outreach and have only 2 more weeks in the city. Keep them in your prayers that they will be open to what God has for them for the remainder of their time in the city as well as for outreach and after. One of our Staff is working on a prayer map for our neighborhood. It will enable us to take more church groups or Christians from the neighborhood activated in that area of ministry. Spend some time praying for your town today.

How to make Decisions Part 1 Decisions guided by God

All of us are faced with decisions on a daily base. Some of them might be simple decisions like which shirt to wear or what to eat. Others might be a bit harder like where to apply for a job or what to do with our lives.  Simple decisions are fairly easy to manage, but how do you manage big life decisions?

When we look at the different people in the bible we see a pattern which guides them. Moses as an example was always connected with God when he was making decisions. When he stood in front of the red sea he got the direct command from God to hit the water with his stick so they can pass through. I’m sure he was thinking about many other ways how he could get Israel away from the Egyptians, but he trusted God. Before David went into battle he always consolidated God to make the right decisions. The battle didn’t start when he went to fight a battle, no it started when he prayed and spend time with his father in heaven. After he did that he had the confidence and assurance to be on the right track. Another great example is Jesus.  He always prayed and spend time with His father before he did things. But after he prayed, he was moving forward.

A few years ago I went on a jail visit to see some of our street kids. But one thing we forgot was to print out directions to the jail. So while in the car I asked God for guidance, and he guided us in the decision making of which way to go. We ended up being faster at the prison than ever before. So it is important to listen to His voice.  SO the first part in making decisions is to pray and ask God for guidance in your situation. Start this week with little situations and ask for His guidance in making those.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

You make, all things, work together for my good

Hey our friend

We hope you had a great week. Send us on update on how you are doing and how we can pray for you.

neighbor tourWe had lots of great things going on here in San Francisco. We had a great meeting with our small group and a wonderful time with our encouragment group. We had a new person come which was awesome. Please pray with us for more people to come to connect with each other. We also had a neighborhood exploration tour with 20 Pastors from the city in which a Pastor shared with us about how he reaches the people in his community. It was an encouraging networking time. Thanks for all your prayers and financial support. You are a blessing in our life!!

You make, all things, work together for my good

During my week I try to have times of worship. Sometimes I just put worship songs on and just worship God. The other day God just started to speak to me through the lyrics of the Jesus Culture song your love never fails. I felt a bit overwhelmed with the amount of work that was ahead of me and all things that were going on with the ministry (mainly good things). So when the song started playing I let the lines sink in and started to feel encouraged.

It spoke about different stories in the bible to me like the prodigal son (Luke 15.11-32) in this part:

Nothing can separate, Even if I ran away,
Your love never fails.
I know I still make mistakes.
But You have new mercies for me every day.
Your love never fails.

God always has his arms open to run back into. Even if we fail at times Gods love doesn’t change or fail. He still loves us the same. He is still the same loving father.

Then it goes to the Chorus:

You stay the same through the ages. Your love never changes.
There may be pain in the night but joy comes in the morning.
And when the oceans rage, I don’t have to be afraid.
Because I know that You love me

It is amazing how it reminds us of the consistency of God and how it will never change. That is a great reminder for every person that struggles with transition. God will be the same. And then the next part about how pain can happen or how we can be in hard seasons, but we still have to remember that there is an end to that as well and that we can have joy again. Gods love never changes. It reminded me of the story where Jesus slept in the boat in the middle of a huge storm (Matthew 8.23-27). But it was OK for Him since He knew the whole time that His father had everything in His hands.

This was just the first part of the song but can you see how rich it is and how it can encourage you in such a deep way. When you look at the Psalms in the bible you see the same thing. Songs written to worship God, connect with Him and to challenge or encourage the reader or singer of them. So if you go through a hard time or when life is great get some encouragement by worshiping God through worship songs or Hyms or by reading out the Psalms. Next time you are in church focus on the lyrics and see how God wants to encourage you.

We wish you a blessed week with the final line of the Song.

You make, all things, work together for my good.

Markus and Jen