What matters in your life?

what matters in your lifeRecently I started reading “love does” by Bob Goff which is a book that really shows how little things matter. I highly recommend to you to read it! One quote that stuck out to me was this one: “I used to be afraid of failing at something that really mattered to me, but now I am more afraid of succeeding at things that don’t matter.”

This is really something to think about. What do we want to say at the end of our life when we look back. Are we working towards what we are actually passionate about with everything we have even with the risk of not succeeding in it, or are we living a life that makes us succeed in things that don’t really matter? Living in San Francisco I meet people that have a passion for God and want to pursue Him, but then choose their job and career over that goal. Some end up succeeding in there career but in the process loose what they really wanted to do. In a world where everything is built on a mentality of always wanting more at whatever price and even at the cost of others it is important to stay true to what we are called to do.

Ask yourself those questions:

  1. Am I living my life towards succeeding in Gods calling for me?
  2. If not where do I have to make adjustments?
  3. How can I become even more effective in the things that matter?

Hey our friend

During this week we had a wonderful game night which brought many people from the community together. It’s a great way to meet new people and have a fun time together. Think about what you can do in your community.

Thank you for partnering with us and the work here in San Francisco. You are a true blessing to us. May God bless you richly.

Markus and Jen

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