What are we running after or the organ part 2

Hey our friend

IMG_7202We hope you are doing well. Last week we celebrated our annual YWAM Christmas party which was amazing. We had lots of fun. It is crazy to think about the fact that Christmas is almost here. Remember to spend some time thinking about the one who is the reason for the season. Also today our DTS is leaving for there Outreach to Thailand. Please keep them in your prayers. This is a picture of our North Beach students.

We also want to ask you to pray about to join our monthly or one time gift support team. Pray about it. You can click on this link for more info on how to support us. Thank you for considering us. It means a lot to us. May God bless you richly.

What are we running after (or the organ part 2)

IMG_6451IMG_6451Last week I wrote about an organ that I saw in a very old church. In that church I noticed something else, a second organ. It actually looked identical to the first one. But when you looked closer you saw that it was just a copy of the other one and that it was not functioning. I think that is another great picture of how important it is to be connected to God. There are many things in this world that promise you a lot. On paper many of them look great, but as more you look into it, as more you see, how they are not that great. Money, power or fame are some of them, but when you talk to people that succeeded in them without Jesus you see that it didn’t fulfill them. You see how it was just a cheap imitation of what God actually intended for them to have. I’m not trying to say that God doesn’t want to give you those things, but what I’m asking is:

What is your heart after? Are we running after Jesus or are we finding satisfaction in things that will never be able to fulfill us?

Jesus said once that He is the way the truth and the life and that no one comes to the father then through Him. So we need to get our focus right and ask ourselves this question. What are we running after and in which areas do we have to change our course? I think this is a question which we have to ask ourselves many times during our lifetime. Ponder on it and think about it.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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