The whole picture

the full picture

When google earth came out I was really impressed by the fact how you could see every area of the world. You are able to zoom in and see more details of the actual area, or you can zoom out and you can see a bigger picture of everything that is surrounding it.

zoom in

For us a Christians it is really important to think about the whole picture when we share about Jesus with people. When we reach out to people it is important for each one of us to see all sides of the person, the zoomed in version as well as the surrounding areas. 2 examples:

  1. When we look at a homeless person our first assumption is that what they need is food, out of our experience that is only partially true. Many times that person needs someone to talk to or listen to them more than the food.  But also another important thing is to know why the person actually ended up on the street (family problems, lack of love, lost job, health etc. ). With those details you are able to have a more focused approach and you can actually have a greater way to really help them.
  2. Now lets look at a wealthy person . Many times its easy to look at a rich person and say they don’t need anything since they have everything. But that is mostly not true either. Many times people that look as if they have it all, are even more in need of a friend and someone that cares for them. So when you actually get to know the people you notice a lot of brokenness and hurt behind all the money and power. Many times you can tell by the way they grew up. You have a father that always works and doesn’t really care about you and never spends time with you. When you grow up you end up becoming a man that doesn’t care about others.

So if you go in with the zoom and also zoom out you can find those details. That opens the door for you to pray for them and give them the support they need.

We want to encourage you to look at the whole person. look at what made them the way they are now and if that is a bad thing, help them to heal. You can make a difference in the lives of people by just being there for them when they find healing and restoration.

Bring the light and be a light!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful time celebrating Easter. San Francisco has every year a Easter Service on Mount Davidson below a beautiful big cross. The cross overlooks a big part of the city. Pray with us that especially  in this time people in this city and all over the world see the cross and through it the love the Father showed to each one of us by giving His Son. We were able to celebrate Easter with our neighbors and friends at our house. It was a wonderful time. Maybe invite some people over to share with them about His love.

Thank you for partnering with us and the work here in San Francisco through Prayer and financial support. You are such a blessing to us! May God bless you richly.

Your friends

Markus and Jen

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