A journey though the bible The letters to the Thessalonians

Let Paul encourage you through his letters to the Thessalonians.  With this video, we will give you a view into the books. Be encouraged.

Hi our friend

How was your week?

Our family has been fighting a cold for a bit and now it was my turn to get it. But it will pass! Outside of that our week was good. I was able to encourage people online which is so needed in todays time. Jen got to connect with different Parents in the park and online and was able to encourage them. Caleb got to see a little puppy and was so happy. Not sure who was more excited him or the puppy. Babies and puppies are such a great way to get into a conversation!!

Have you thought more about how you can be a blessing to a neighbor during this christmas season? Jen and i will bake brownies and give them to our neighbors along with our christmas card. A simple thing but it brings so much joy to everyone who gets it. This is a great time to bless neighbors and also in return be blessed too!
Dont forget this week to spend time to read through the 2 letters Paul wrote to the Thessalonians!

God bless you

Markus and Jen


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