The greatest Super Hero

The greatest super heroMany years ago the movie superman returns was released. At one part in the movie Lois Lane wrote an article about how the world doesn’t need a Savior and Superman sees it. Shortly after that this conversation takes place:

Superman: Listen. What do you hear?
Lois Lane: Nothing.
Superman: I hear everything. You wrote that the world doesn’t need a savior. But everyday I hear people crying for one.

Intended or not the movie speaks the truth. Many people in the world are struggling. Many people are looking for someone or something that can help them through this time. Why are super hero movies so popular? Because people look at the heroes and it stirs up hope in them. Every person in the world wants a savior if they know it or not.

In a few days we celebrate Easter, the time when Jesus became the greatest hero of all time. He went so far to sacrifice his life for people that didn’t even deserve it Romans 5.8 just so they can be saved and reconciled with the father. Wow that is good news. Guess what: Each of us is one of them. And each person on this planet that doesn’t know him yet is one of them as well. So let’s use this Easter time to share with people the good news. There is a Savior out there who can really save you for good. Not just for the 80 or 90 years we live on this planet, no but for eternity. He is alive!!

Ask yourself:

  1. Who is the person or people you want to share with?
  2. Ask the father to show you a way on how to share it with them so they can understand.

Have a blessed and happy Easter!! He is alive!!

Hey our friend

Our week in San Francisco was great. We had a prayer time with a friend, I (Markus) was in a board meeting for the base, we had a neighborhood watch meeting and also celebrated the birthday of one of our friends. But of course we had all the usual things as well, but I don’t write about those as much since you already heard of them. This week is Easter. If you get a chance watch the movie Son of God to get your focus and mind towards what really matters. Jen and I really liked it.

Would you like to partner with us in a financial way? Right now we are in need of $1.300 more on a monthly base to cover all our cost. Pray about joining our team in this way! You can do it with any amount you would like. Find out more on how by clicking on this link. If you personally cant join us in this way could you share it with family and friends who might be interested in joining. Thank you for your help. Thank you to each one of you who is already part of our team. You are a true blessing!

Share the good news of Easter with someone this week!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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