Tag Archives: unbelief

Faith or unbelief, what is your choice?

Hey our friend

20141104_131144We hope you had a wonderful week. We had a more office focused week which is sometimes important too, but not necessarily our favorite. During this coming week I (Markus) will be in Redding learning more from my friend, a YWAM Teacher, on how to teach on the father heart of God. Jen came up with me for the weekend and we went to many church services.

20141108_144119_Richtone(HDR)Please keep praying along with us while things are moving forward and we see God move in many areas of the work. Pray especially for our students since they start leading Prayer walks which they created. Pray that God will guide them in there walks.

During the last week God brought in 1 new supporter and a couple who will pray about supporting us. Thank you God! Please pray about if God wants you to be a part of this work through monthly financial support. Our goal is to be fully funded by January first so that we don’t have to focus on fundraising in this new year and can just use all that time for ministry. You can support us with $25, $50, $100 or any other amount you would like. Click on this link then choose under monthly giving the amount, under ministry Staff support and write under comments Markus and Jen. Thank you for partnering with us in bringing hope to North beach San Francisco!

Faith or unbelief, what is your choice?

…everything that does not come from faith is sin.  Romans 14.23

One morning during our quiet time we read in the book of Romans chapter 14. One thing that stuck out to me was the verse above. Paul is saying here that everything we do without faith is sin. Why is that? Let me look at another story with you before answering that question. When David was King over Israel he started to count his troops. In a human logical sense there is no issue with that, but in a Godly sense there is. David assessed what he had so he could figure out how to fight the enemy and especially how big the enemy could be he wanted to fight. When David did that he started to keep God out of the picture. Instead of trusting God fully he started to trust in manpower. When he fought Goliath he attacked him with faith and even said you come with weapons but I come with the living God. The situation looked impossible, but he won, because his faith was in God. When he counted the troops his head faith might still be in God but in reality he had unbelief. And unbelief is not compatible with faith meaning it brings you to a place of worry and self-sufficiency. When we put all our trust and faith in God we are not depending on our strength but His. So however the end result will be the Glory will always go to Him since we did it through Him. If we don’t do that it is really easy to fall into pride which is sin and holds us away from our loving father. Lets asses our lives and see where we made decisions based on faith and where not. After we did that lets change things to move more and more into a lifestyle of faith.

Have a blessed week.

Markus and Jen