Tag Archives: Sacharja

A journey through the bible Exodus or being set free

Today we want to give a little intro and overview of the book of Exodus. Be inspired and encouraged!!

Hi our friend

How was your week?

We had a wonderful week in San Francisco. Again it was full with meetings and times of connection, still through zoom. But the amazing thing was that with all the different meetings, even we were not there in Person just on a screen, we could encourage each other. If it was the twice a year YWAM Review and Eval meeting or one on one meetings all of them brought encouragement! We want to encourage you again this week to reach out to others in the ways that are possible in this season (zoom etc.) and it will be a blessing to you as well as to them!

Also let God speak to you through the book of Exodus and where he wants to set you free!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

A journey through the bible The Gospel of Mark

The bible is such an exciting book but many don’t get to actually read it. That is why we decided to give you twice a month a short intro into a book in the old and a book in the new testament. We will share with you some inside into the book and then some things that stuck out to us. Then its your job to read the book and let God speak to you through it. May you get encouraged through the bible. Today we are looking at the gospel of Mark!

Hi our friend

How was your week?

We felt so loved this week by our church family who had a virtual baby shower for us. It was so much fun!! Our speaking also went well this week to a group of Pastors and ministry leaders. We also learned a lot from one of the Pastors that will help us with the bigger picture. Outside of that we got to connect with our neighbors through phone, zoom or seeing them in the morning while running. How are you staying coonected with your neighbors in this season?

Read this week through the book of Mark and be encouraged and inspired!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

A journey through the bible The book of Genesis or how it all began

The bible is such an exciting book but many don’t get to actually read it. That is why we decided to give you twice a month a short intro into a book in the old and a book in the new testament. We will share with you some inside into the book and then some things that stuck out to us. Then its your job to read the book and let God speak to you through it. May you get encouraged through the bible.  Genesis is the first book in the bible and it shares everything from the beginning. I love reading through it since the book has so many stories and foundational things. Spend some time to study it!!

Hi our friend

Often we hear the negative side of technology but I love that technology can be such a blessing. Cause of it I was able to join a reunion of a youth group in Germany with friends that live at so many different locations now. Without tech that would have been impossible. Also through tech we were able to still meet as all the different YWAM ministries even in a time of lockdown. Through tech we were able to keep connecting with people in this last season as well. I have to say thank you God for how you enabled us to use tech for so many good purposes!! How are you using technology in this season to connect with people in a meaningful way?

Alos enjoy the stories in Genesis.  Be inspired through the faith of the different people and also their failures and that message that we can always growing!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

A journey through the bible The Gospel of Matthew

The bible is such an exciting book but many don’t get to actually read it. That is why we decided to give you twice a month a short intro into a book in the old and a book in the new testament. We will share with you some inside into the book and then some things that stuck out to us. Then its your job to read the book and let God speak to you through it. May you get encouraged through the bible. Today we start this journey with the gospel of Matthew.

Hi our friend

How was your week?

2021 just started and God is already opening doors. During this week God opened the door to teach university students on how to love their neighbor and we prepared a video message for a church in Germany. Later in the month we are invited to share with different Pastors and ministry leaders and in February again another sharing in Germany. And then we have our second love your neighbor workshop coming up February 6th (if you would like to know more about that email us).  Its amazing to see how God keeps opening more and more doors to inspire people all over. We also got to connect with someone who grew up in our neighborhood a long time ago and he could share with us how it looked like then. Keep praying with us in this season that many more will be inspired to love their neighbors and that through that we will see healing,  stronger communities and more people knowing Jesus and his love for them.

Also dont forget to read this week through the book of Matthew and be encouraged and inspired!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Take a journey through the bible with us and be encouraged through a story to think about

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a greater understanding of the bible and the context of things? Wouldn’t it even be better if you would have read through the whole book? Join us for the next 29 months to do that. Every month we will look at a book from the old and from the new testament with a time of 2 weeks in between to read it. I will post a video on it with different things about the book so you have some idea what it’s about before you start reading. Then you will read the book with someone you know (it doesn’t have to be at the same time or the same place) so you can share with each other what stuck out to you. This can be done via WhatsApp group or how ever, you want to connect. WE will start next week!

To be ready this is what you need:

  1. A bible a paper version not digital
  2. A highlighter pen so you can mark verses that stuck out to you
  3. A journal so you can write down your thoughts on each book
  4. A smartphone so you can look up things if you read a word or something else you don’t understand.
  5. A co reader find one person or a group of people that join you on this journey. Maybe your church small group or a friend? Create a WhatsApp group and then exchange your thoughts with each other.

WE are looking forward to have you join us on this journey.

We also have a little story to think about, for you this week. Its about Abraham and Lot. Be inspired!!

Hi our friend

How are you? We hope you had a wonderful start into 2021

Jen and i took a few days after christmas at home just the two us which was fun. Thats why there is no update about the week, but there will be another one next week!!

Don’t forget to get this week to get the things ready you need for this journey!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen