Tag Archives: JMEM

A journey through the bible the book of James

The letter of James talks a lot about faith and action and how they go together. Be encouraged by this Intro into the book!

Hi our friend

The Month of May is here and with it another daily chance to encourage someone and bring hope. Over the last week, we had dinner with a friend who spends too much time in front of his TV. He told us how he watches the news and loses more and more hope. There are many people that probably feel the same way for understandable reasons. That is why it is so important, especially in this season, to have extra time with God so he can give us hope. Every time I spend time with God I can feel hope rising in me. Not that the circumstances always change, but I know that whatever is happening I am in his hands. I want to encourage you in this season to spend extra time with God and let Him refill you with hope, so you can bring His hope to others in your life that don’t know him.

Also, spend time to read the book of James and ask yourself in which areas your faith needs to be more in action!

God bless you

Markus and Jen


A journey through the bible The Psalms

So nice that you are part of this bible journey. Today we are looking at a really poetic book, the Psalms. Be encouraged and inspired!

Hi our friend

How was your Easter? We hope you had a wonderful time!!

We had so man wonderful moments this week with friends in the neighborhood. We got to connect through a Easter egg hunt and a big Easter Service, an encouraging time during the encouragement group, dinner and lunch and just by prayer walking. Each of those were easy and natural ways to deepen relationships and build new ones. It also creates a sense of community which everyone needs after this last season. Lets all do something simple this week to connect with others in our neighborhoods!

Also remember this week to get into the book of Psalms! Depending how you prefer to read it, read the full book in a seating, split it up over 2 weeks or read a Psalm daily!! No matter how you will be inspired!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

A journey through the bible the book of Hebrews

The letter of Hebrews is an easy way to grow in your faith and also learn new foundation. Be encouraged.

Hi our friend

Remember today that you are amazing and loved!

Caleb turned 1 this week and it was wonderful. Between 50 and 70 guests between neighbors, church and ywam came to his celebration in our local park. Jen got to share about the miracle from God he is with all the guests and many were really moved. It was wonderful. We really love our communities.

Another special moment this week was when I got to go to the memorial service of a grandma of a young man I mentor. It was special to be there for the family in this time of grief and also to meet them all. I felt so honored to be asked by the family to pray and share a short message at the graveside with everyone. And the amazing thing is that on the morning of the funeral God spoke to me in preparation that I might be asked to do that and gave me a message. God will always guide us we just have to make sure to have an open ear to listen!

In this week’s blog we talked about the book of Hebrews. Let the book encourage you in your faith when you read it!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

A journey through the bible the book of Job

Job is a book many people try to skip since it could sound depressing. But the book is not depressing when you look deeper into it. Instead it gives you a view of an inspiring man. Let this video blog give you a short intro into it and let it encourage you.

Hi our friend

How was your week?

Connection is so important for each one of us and this week we had many of those. If it was through 2 board meetings, having dinner with a neighbor, connecting with Moms and Nannies in the park or going on a prayer walk together with our church all of them connected us with different people. It was a blessing and encouragement to spend time with each of them. We also spent time to pray for the situation in Ukraine. All the things happening in the world can be overwhelming, but remember in the most overwhelming time in the garden before he went to the cross Jesus spend time with his father. It is so important to spend time with our Father in Heaven and let him fill us with peace. Make sure to spend time with Him!

When you read the story of Job in our journey through the bible, it showed us that his foundation is built on God and nothing else even in the hardest time. Can we say that about our relationship with God too? Let us think about that!

Have a blessed week and remember that you are amazing and loved.

Markus and Jen


A journey through the bible the book of Philemon

In that letter, Paul challenges the thinking about cultural norms at the time. Let it inspire your thinking too!!

Hi our friend

Our last week was a week of teaching, preparation, encouragement and prayer. On Sunday I was speaking at our church about Loving your neighbor. It was encouraging to hear back from people how they felt encouraged and challenged. Then we started to prep more for the upcoming workshop on March 12th. If you are free we would love for your to join! It will be held on zoom from 10am to 1pm pst. Click here to get to the registration page. During our week we were also able to encourage different people in our community which was a real blessing. But prayer still had a major role this week. Staying connected with the father and hearing his heart is so important especially in this season. We want to encourage you to first of all connect with Father God on a personal level and let him speak and encourage you. Then spend time in Prayer this week for all the things going on in the world on a bigger scale, but also for your neighborhood and neighbors!!

Also spend time to read the book of Philemon and let it inspire your thinking!

God bless you

Markus and Jen