Tag Archives: Android IOS

Unplug to plug in

unplug to plug inSan Francisco and Silicon Valley are the places that created a movement of people that are always plugged in. When the iPhone came out about 8 years ago it changed the way we live our lives. Our phones often dictate our lives with the little notifications that pop up or even the possibility of being always reachable. As beneficial that might be at times, it is also something that makes it harder for deep and meaningful relationships to grow.

I’m sure you experienced this scenario before: You are spending time with a few friends and a little while into it one of them is on their phone and not totally present with everyone else. In that time they are missing out on the community aspect right in front of them, but on the other side the community misses out on them. They unknowingly distance themselves from the rest of the group by being on there phones.

I suggest to you that if you want real deep friendships you need to unplug so you are able to plug in. Meaning unplug from all distractions, phones etc., best leave them at home. Then plug in with the people you are with, give them your full attention.

A few years ago I started to unplug myself so I was able to plug in with people in a deeper way. I got rid of my cellphone contract and just use the device as a calendar and camera and when I have a Wi-Fi connection to check my email etc. When I am with people I try not to use it at all since I want them to be the most important person in that moment. It helped me to be more intentional with people as well as getting to know them in a deeper way.

We want to encourage you to go one day a week electronic free. Don’t bring your cellphone with you when you go out with friends, instead just hang out and talk. Facebook, Instagram, and text friends can wait since you have people right in front of you!

Hello friend

We hope you had a great week!! Wow last week went by so quickly. Catching up with things and getting ready for the Cities conference at the end of the months took a lot of our time. We both will share at a workshop about neighborhoods as well take people around our beautiful neighborhood to give them a heart for their own communities. We could use your prayers this week to finish up all the last minute things for the conference as well as normal life things. Also pray for our DTS Students who are now in Greece working with refugees. Pray for them to be able to apply the tools they learned during their time in San Francisco. Thank you for praying with us!

Live your life more free by unplugging!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen