Stories to think about – Stephen

Our Story today is about a man named Stephen! You can read his story in Acts 6.8 -7.60!

Hi our friend

How are you?

We had a good week here in San Francisco. Walking through our neighborhood while prayer walking shows more and more how life is a bit back to normal again. People are in the park and restaurants spending time together which is wonderful. I don’t know how it looks like in your area, but its definetly a good time to get out and start praying for your neighborhood. Pray that people that were isolated for a long time will be able to reconnect and that hope comes back to the ones who might have lost it. Also just pray whatever God puts on your heart for your area.

We personally get also more and more adjusted to the new life with Caleb around. He is such a joy to be with and enriches our life. Also be encouraged this week by the story of Stephen and let it encourage you to share your faith with joy!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

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