Stories to think about – Poet and King Trust in Challenge

Our story today is about a king who put all his trust in God even in challenges. Read a little bit more about the story today in Psalm 3.

We saw in this story how David leaned on God in every moment of his life. Where do you put your trust when you face challenges? If its not God ask God to help you to fully trust him!

Hi our friend

Since I was a little boy I loved Easter and especially finding the special gifts from my parents and grandparents hidden in the backyard of my home in Germany. We always got some gifts and lots of candy which was wonderful. When I got older getting candy was still nice, but by then I really enjoyed the sunrise service with an Easter breakfast after with the whole church community.

When I think of Easter today I remember all those wonderful memories but mainly it fills me with thankfulness. Thankfulness for the unconditional love shown through Jesus to me and you. I love how He shares in John 15.13 “No one has greater love than a person who lays down his life for his friends.” But not just that, Paul puts it in Romans 5.8 like this: “he died for us while we were still sinners.” And that’s exactly what he did, Jesus died for each person that ever lived and will live on the cross.

You might ask why. The issue is that sin separates us from God. Sin brings guilt and shame into our lives and because of that, it brings a rift into our relationship with him. We saw that in the beginning in the garden how Adam and Eve after sinning were afraid of God. Fear is never a good thing in a loving relationship. God never stopped loving us, but because of sin that brought shame and fear we stopped believing that.

Of course, sin had consequences and Adam and Eve had to leave the garden and also eventually experienced death. When Jesus went to the cross he took with him all the sins from the past, the present and the future. He made a way for us through trusting him to be free from sin, shame and fear and to be able to truly receive the unconditional love of God.

But what about death? The good news of Easter is that it did not end at the cross. On the third day, Jesus rose from the dead. With that, he overcame the power of death and the hold it had. Jesus says in John 3.16 whoever believes in him shall not die but have eternal life. Eternal life with our loving father in heaven with no more shame or fear making us believe that we are not unconditionally loved. Death has no more power over anyone who believes in him. Isn’t that the best news ever!!

Spend some time in this Easter season to think about this amazing love God has for you and also thank him for all he did for you and me. And if there is anything in you that makes you believe that he might not love you because of what you’ve done … remember the truth in Romans 5.8! Let His love touch you in a new way in this Easter season! You are unconditionally loved!

We wish you a blessed and happy Easter
Markus, Jen and Caleb


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