Stories to think about – Job and his strong relationship with God

Our story today is about Job and his strong relationship with God. May his relationship inspire you!

Hi our friend

How was your week?

This week was wonderful for us. We had so many times with different people and also got to have a neighbor friend over for dinner which was really awesome. On Sunday we have a birthday celebration for Calebs 1st birthday in our local park. Neighbors, friends from church and YWAM friends are coming. One of our friends who is a singer will sing a song for him and another friend will read a poem he wrote for him. Its so awesome to see all of our friends from our different communities come together to show their love by celebrating Caleb. I say this a lot but true community is something all of us need!! Most of the times it will not just come to you. It takes an effort to build it. But let me tell you when you have it you never want to miss it!! Start today by loving your neighbor!

Also ask yourself the question, based on our story of Job, how is my relationship with God? Is there anything between you and him that holds you away from trusting and new depth? Pray about it and ask God to heal those areas!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

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