Stories to think about – Gideon the man who knocks down idols

Our story today is about a man named Gideon, the man who knocks down idols! You can read his story in Judges 6!

Hi our friend

How are you?

Connecting with others is always a blessing and this week was full of them. Jen and I both got to connect with people at different times during the week and we both just loved it. When we spend time with others we get to hear different perspectives and see a different side of Gods heart through others since he made each of us unique. Spend some time this week with others, learn from each other and be encouraged!!

Caleb also brings a lot of joy to us every week. He just recently started to laugh which is awesome. We just love this little boy.

At the beginning of the blog you got to watch the video of Gideon.  I love the story of Gideon and his heart for God and how he got rid of that idol. Ask yourself this week what idols God wants you to knock down in your life!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

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