Stories to think about – Esther make a difference where you are

Our story today is about Esther who made a huge difference in her position. Be inspired. You find her story in the book of Esther!

Hi our friend

Last week was a week with many emotions for us. We had joy celebrating the wedding of our friends which was such a wonderful time. Later in the week, we got encouragement and a new perspective in moving forward through meeting with different leaders. Then we heard about the situation in Russia/Ukraine and were filled with sadness for many of our friends from there.  Even we can’t directly do something in that situation in the physical, we as followers of Jesus got the great opportunity to pray and change things in the spiritual. Often we don’t know how to pray in situations like this, so lets let the Holy Spirit guide us. Join us in praying.

Esther was called in a kings palace to make a difference in the time she lived! Where are you called to make a difference, especially in this time?

God bless you

Markus and Jen


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