Step out in faith

step out in faithRecently I saw a commercial where a little boy goes into a diamond store and wants to buy a gift for his mom. After he choose it he put all his money he saved, which was just some change, on the table, which of course was not enough for the purchase. But in the next shot you see the Dad standing in the back showing his credit card with that saying he will pay for the rest.

I believe this is also a beautiful picture of us working with God. When we do our part God will take care of the rest, the bigger part.  But we have to step out in faith that He can show himself faithful.

We want to challenge you to step out in faith this week in one area in your life!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week. Jen and I are back in the swing of things after having a wonderful refreshing vacation. Its exciting to see all the great things God is doing in our neighborhood. We want to encourage you to get involved in your community and shine as a light in it!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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