Staying true to your faith even in danger

Hey our friend

20130409_170935We had a good week here in San Francisco. We started a new work at the coffee shop, an encouragement group. The first time we were able to encourage a total stranger and help her to see more hope in her life. Please pray with us for more people to come that need encouragement.

20140308_184305We also got invited to the fundraiser for the boys and girls club with all of our students. It was an amazing time.

Soon we will send out our Newsletter which will share a bit more about our last few months. If you haven’t gotten our newsletter in the past, but you would like to get it, sign up here under this link. Be encouraged while reading!

Staying true to your faith even in danger

We all heard the story of Daniel in the lion dent in the book of Daniel chapter 6. It was told many times in Sunday school. The focus was always on the fact how God saved Daniel from the lions. But there was something else that stuck out to me when I read it recently, the part of how the people set him a trap and made the King sign a law which made it illegal to pray to anyone else then the King. What did Daniel do after he heard about that law?

But when Daniel learned that the law had been signed, he went home and knelt down as usual in his upstairs room, with its windows open toward Jerusalem. He prayed three times a day, just as he had always done, giving thanks to his God. Daniel 6:10 NLT

Daniel knew the God he was serving and had a deep relationship with him.

In times of trouble and danger he knew where he could find help. But not only that Daniel never walked away from his faith even it would mean death. He stood strong. But through that god was able to even strengthen his faith more with showing up to protect him from the lions. I think sometimes it is so easy to take the easy way out of situations and compromise our faith. But through that we are actually robbing ourselves from experiencing gods love in a new way and especially growing deeper in our relationship with him. I believe we should all ask ourselves daily the question: Do I live my faith in a way that it can really cost me something?  Where is my relationship with Jesus at and do I know and believe that true love he has for me? The only way we would do something like Daniel is if we truly know and believe that whatever happens we are in the loving arms of our father. Spend time with your daddy in heaven this week and fall more in love with him.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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