Seek peace and pursue it

… seek peace and pursue it. Psalm 34.14

What a perfect verse was chosen in the German church as the verse for the year 2019. Seeking peace and also pursuing it is so focused on an action of each one of us. A little while ago we heard a speaker share about how he seeks peace between Israeli and Palestinians and how much breakthrough he has seen over the years. But it took an action on his side to bring people together and to keep pursuing peace between them. He didn’t start through politics or a big media engagement, no he just brought youth from both sides together to meet and start understanding each other. Did it bring total peace for everyone yet? No but the people he brought together understand each other now and are connected through a friendship and started to reconcile.

So it always takes an action from us. We can’t wait for politicians or leaders to make the first step. We have to start doing it. We are the ones who can bring reconciliation through the love of Jesus, not just once but on a regular basis. We can change our neighborhoods by seeking peace but then also pursuing it. I think sometimes we approach a situation and want to bring peace between 2 people, but then it doesn’t happen and then we give up. But we need to keep pursuing it. The speaker I mentioned earlier is working on it for many many years sometimes with little results. But he keeps pursuing it.

Lets print out this verse and put it somewhere where we see it first thing in the morning and then at the end of the day so we are reminded about it. And then let us let 2019 be a year were we carry actively and consistent reconciliation and peace into our neighborhoods, homes and work places. Have a blessed new year!!!

Hey our friend

2018 was a year with many ups and downs for us and many others. It was a year, were we saw God move in so many areas in our lives as well as ministry. Thank you God for 2018 and that we could partner with you. Take some time to reflect on your 2018 and ask God to show you how He was with you in all of it. It is such a great way to start a new year. With that we wish you a blessed new year 2019. May you have a wonderful start and may it get even better as it goes forward. Remember that you are amazing and loved!!

Also don’t forget to seek peace and pursue it.

God bless you

Markus and Jen

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