Seek first the Kingdom Part 3 Choices

Hey our friend

Jen and I are on a vacation with family. So the next 2 blogs will not have an update on the ministry. But the ministry will still go on with our Staff so please keep praying for Gods move in North Beach and in the heart of the people there.  Thank you for all your Prayers.

If you would like to see some Pictures from our trip click on this link.

Screenshot 2014-05-03 09.59.58

Seek first the Kingdom Part 3 Choices

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6.33

Over the last 2 weeks we talked about 2 important things to first seek the Kingdom: 1. to have a relationship with God to hear his voice in guiding us. 2nd we need to understand what our role is. Today I want to talk about Choices.

Each one of us makes many choices on a daily base. Some of them will have good outcomes some of them will have not so good outcomes. It is important that we seek His Kingdom when we make decisions to eliminate more of the bad outcomes. Think about it: You go to College to get a degree. Many times that seems like a good choice. But what if college is not what God planned for you. You will leave college with a lot of debt. What if God calls you now to give up your job and go into overseas missions? You will have to think about this twice, because your mind is all set on the debt and how to pay it back. I’m not trying to say with that that God could not use you and take care of those things, he totally can and I saw it in many people’s lives, no but I’m trying to say that it would be harder from your side.

So when we make choices focused on building Gods Kingdom the outcome will be different. But the foundation to do that is laid with the things I talked about in the last 2 weeks. When we have a deep relationship with Him and out of that we start understanding our role we can start making choices that will be based on the Kingdom. And we will not just make them because we have to, but we will make them because we know they are great choices. Peter didn’t just magically get into the water and started to walk towards Jesus, no he actually made a choice to trust Him and go for it. But first Peter was seeking the relationship to Jesus, long before that event took place.  So ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Where is your relationship with God at? Are you seeking His Kingdom in every part of your life or what changes do you have to make in your life?
  2. Do you know what your role is in building his Kingdom?
  3. What choices did you make in the past, that you feel are holding you away or disqualify you right now from totally walking out the things God has called you to? Debt etc.
  4. Spend time with God and ask Him how to move forward from here!

Ponder on those questions this week and see how God will move you forward.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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