Seek first the Kingdom Part 1 Relationship

Hey our friend

20140502_201451_AndroidWe had a great week here in San Francisco. Jen got a bunch of meetings in all the areas of influence GOd has given her. It is amazing to see how God brings His Kingdom through us into those places by just serving them. Ask yourself the question how you can serve your town and through that bring the Kingdom.

Seek first the Kingdom Part 1 Relationship

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6.33

The other day I woke up early and through reading the bible God reminded me of Matthew 6.33 (see above). Shortly after we saw the Movie Son of God and I got reminded of it again. Jesus called us to first seek the Kingdom. Over the next few weeks I want to look at different aspects of that and what that means. This week I want to look at seeking the kingdom by having relationship with God.

When we have a love relationship with God, our perspective will change because everything we do will come out of a love for Him. When I look at that verse I start thinking that many times we live that verse wrong. We first want to see all the other things given to us that can change our immediate circumstance instead of longing to have relationship with Him. The people around Jesus wanted Him to be a ruler that helps them to get rid of the Romans instead of thinking about how to learn more about the father.

But why is the focus in this verse so much on the fact of seeking the Kingdom?
When we seek Gods Kingdom and live by His principles, we take our focus off the things that the world thinks are the most important. We can truly become who God created us to be. We start to have a relationship, that will set a foundation of trust, which no circumstance can change. Our life will not be controlled by money, power or influence. But then when our focus is totally on Him and his Kingdom, God can give us all those things because they won’t affect our identity.

Think about this example. You have a 15year old son. He parties all the time and spends all his money on alcohol. His value and identity is all build around Party and what other people think of him. Now would you give him full access to your bank account so he could use whatever he wanted? Or would you help him to truly become who he was created to be and then give him full access?

The command Jesus gives us here is out of love. He knows what we truly need and where we can get it; A relationship with the creator of this earth, the One who knows us best and cares the most about us.

I want to challenge you to really think about how and in which areas you need to seek the Kingdom of God in the area of Relationship with Him more in your life.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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