
Hey our friend

2013-10-03 10.48.27
IMG_6123We are still in Germany having information nights, meeting with small groups, friends and supporters. Pray that God will encourage every single person we get in touch with. Last week we celebrated the biggest German Holiday the Unification of East and West. It was awesome day which got even better since Jen was able to shake the hand of the German President.


For many of us live is busy on a daily base. Between work, meetings, church, ministry and hobbies our schedule can fill up even more. So at the end of the day most of us are tired and exhausted. But how do you get refreshed? Spend time in God’s presence. Many would say that this would be an extra activity and would just add to the craziness of their day but I disagree. When we look through the lives of different people in the bible we find that the opposite is true. Look at Moses, when he spends time with God on the mountain he came back radiant. Look at David and his life. When he spends time in God’s presence he got refreshed (Psalm 23). Also look at Jesus, he spend time with his father and got refreshed. Even a short time before he was crucified he spends time with his father and got perspective in his presence. So the truth is that the extra hour spend in God’s presence is actually a time of refreshment and restrengthening. If you think about it God has the answer to all of our questions, he is the one who brings hope and he is the ultimate healer to just give you a few examples. So in his presence all those things are available. But how do you spend time in his presence? Honestly there is not just one way. Sometimes it is great to just spend some time in worship, other times it is good to just be still and let Him refresh you. Again there is not one way but many ways to be in His presence, the significant thing is to be in it. But I promise you out of my own experience that every minute you spend with Him you will not regret and it will actually refill you.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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